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Becoming desperate and scared

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I'm not sure where this goes, but this seemed like a good choice.


Lately I've been scared to make friends because I know that when I make a new friend I wind up spending so much time with my new friend I wind up losing my old friends. Well, this semester I don't really have any classes with people I know. I wanted to make some new friends so I wouldn't be alone in those classes, but I'm scared because of what happened last year.


Last year a girl, I'll call her Keri, was my friend. I was Keri's only friend in 7th grade, and in 8th grade I was one of two. Well, when I found new friends in 8th grade, I began to leave Keri out. I stopped hanging out with her during and after school because I was busy with my new friends. She became very depressed and ultimately tried to commit suicide twice because of what I did. I basically just stopped contact with her and this caused her to be so upset that someone could do this to her that she tried to commite suicide.


I felt so horrible when I found this out. I didn't know about it until after 8th grade year ended, so there was no time to correct my mistakes and she was going/is going to a different high school than me. I don't know what to do. I'm scared of making friends now because I don't want anyone to commit suicide. I know my other friends won't, but still, you never know what people are capable of.


I'm going to be miserable at school if I can't make any new friends, but I'm afraid to make them because I don't want to hurt anyone else. It's starting to make me very depressed and I don't know what to do!

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don't be so silly, it's no ones fault when someone commits suicide! that is all on the person not seeing anyway out, so they take the easy route...what you have to do is learn how to equally distribute your time among friends...easy as that ! you don't need to be afraid, as long as you make it known that you are there for a person and care...that is all you can do. but you can't just leave them in the dust if they mean something to you... hope this helps ..take care

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