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Ok she cast a spell on him!!! wierd....help please

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Well, I have casted for luck, confidence, self discipline, etc... I guess a few examples may help.


I recently lost 50 pounds. When I started this enormous undertaking I did a spell to help stay focused and not crave foods that are bad and would hinder my diet. I used the ugliest, fattest, most unflattering picture of myself I could fine. I concentrated on the pic, thinking of all the things I'd like to change, like saying "I want thinner hips, and a smaller butt." I also said things like "I want to be healthier and have more energy." and "I want to feel better about myself." I ended the spell by saying my eating be healthy from this day forward, and may I have the will and energy to excercise acordingly." I lit the picture on fire and threw it into my couldron, saying "I will never look or feel this way again!" When it was complete I took the ashes and scattered them outside.


I've done spells to help depressed friends find happiness and more confidence in themselves. For something like that I usually gather things that remind me of that person. I will light the appropriate incense and brew the needed herbs. I may say thins like "Please help *name* realise that he/she is a good person, and that things will get better."


Some spells I've done have actually been kind of silly... Like when I got this cat 2 1/2 years ago. I couldn't get him to use his litterbox. I tried everything, and feared I'd have to get rid of him. My house was stinking and I was at my wit's end. So I casted a spell in which I sat in front of the litterbox (heh) holding him. I lit some incense and concentrated really hard on him using it. I imagined an oder free house and poop free floors. When I thought my concentration had peeked, I put him in the litterbox and said "this is the only place you will go to the bathroom from now on." He was good form then on.


Being a college student I do spells before finals to help myself not procrastinate so much. I have used a black mirror to see into my own future. I make a brew to help induce prophetic dreams. I have done housewarming spells in which I bless a place someone is moving into... I could go on and on but don't want to bore anyone too much.


As far as how powerful I am I guess it depends on your definition of power. To some I would be considered weak, but to other I would be considered much the oposite.

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hi everyone~

thank you everyone for your replies!


my best friend and the guy she cast a spell on are actually officially dating! not boy friend or girlfriend but exclusively dating!!!!!!!!!!!!! (which i dunno what the difference is, thats just what she told me)

um now i am really confused about this spell casting thing.....

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well ever since a last saturday, not this past saturday, the one before, we were all hanging out in a big group and they were talking the whole night long, then from there he started calling her and they have gone out alot, he has taken her to dinner, and stuff and he did not do that before, then he asked if she would like to date exclusive, which is like totally moving way too fast i think, but it is what she wanted so good for her, but she has not called me that much cuz she is always with him or talking to him...so i am sad, cuz we usually talk everyday but she told me this yesterday online.....what do you think caldus?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, em for a start im a practising pagan... and well love spells DO NOT work.. People write them on the internet as poems and say their spells but their not. As well as this anything to tamper with free will also does not work.. eg. in that case making the guy to like her.

I shouldnt worry at all, they honestly do not work.


But believeing it will work will make her think there are changes and possibly make her more confident.

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