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plz ur opinion

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please for all who read my post if u have anything to say even

just a thought don't hesitate to write it .

i wanna ask u ur opinion about a relationship between a guy

and a 4 to 6 year older girl who are in love with each other. do u think a successfull mariage between

them can hapen ? especially that it is known worldwide that

girls grow older than a guy . If they get married at a young age

it wouldn't be a problem but later when the guy let's say is 45

, he still considered young , but a girl at 49 will look much

more older than him . so him seing younger beautiful woman

might screw up his mariage and make him regret he married an older

girl while he could have maried a girl who still looks young while

he is 45 (per exemple) so please tell me what u think and

once again don't hesitate to post ur opinion about what i said coz i'm sure it will be very helpfull for me.

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Ok....so is this hypothetical situation by chance....you?


4-6 years is not a big age difference, provided both parties are consenting adults and it does not bother them.


49 year old woman are still quite young and attractive...just think of all the celebrity woman out there in thier 50's! Joan Lundon is expecting another set of twins via surrogate at 52 and she's raising 18 month old twins now.


Also, men age faster than woman (this is a scientific fact, I've learned in Nursing school) men suffer from more health problems on the whole and die younger than women, so won't it be nice to have a vital healthy 'older' woman to care for you when you're falling apart!


I should hope by the time you are in your 40's if you've been married to this woman for 15 or more years and have a family with her that your relationship will be much deeper than "oh I think she looks old" though I sincerely doubt she will look much older than you, if at all.


I don't think you have any worries.

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If she is 4-5 years older than you and you really love her, you won't care about it when you are in your forties. In your 40s, it won't be a big difference. Now, it is. It will become less of one. And I don't think she will look much older than you. She may look younger than you, when you are in your 30s.

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If they get married at a young age

it wouldn't be a problem but later when the guy let's say is 45

, he still considered young , but a girl at 49 will look much

more older than him.


I disagree. I think the *younger* you are, the more an age gap matters. For example, most people would think there was a problem with an 18-year-old dating a 12-year-old; however, few would think twice about a 48-year-old dating a 42-year-old. It's the same age gap, but MAJORLY different situations.


Believe it or not, there really is NOT a big difference between 45 and 49. It just seems like it to you because of your own age. (When I was a little girl, 30 seemed OLD! Now that I'm getting close to that milestone myself, 60 seems more like the age to consider old. And, I suspect that by the time I'm 55, I'll start thinking of 80 or 90 as old. Get what I mean?)


Also, to put this in even better perspective, let me remind you that there are MANY successful marriages out there between people who are TWENTY years apart! (I, personally, know of a couple who fits this description.) Four to six years is truly no big deal.


All of that being said, I have to wonder if this kind of relationship would work for *you*. I mean, you have to be comfortable in a relationship and you have to love your significant other enough that you don't sweat the small stuff. If you're so worried about her "looking older" than I have to wonder exactly how strong your feelings are for her.


I hate to burst your bubble, but beauty is fleeting. Even if you marry someone EXACTLY your age, she's still going to be showing signs of aging by the time she gets to her 40s. If you would stray to a younger woman at that time, then you're going to do it no matter how old your wife is. That's not an "age gap" issue -- that's a "fidelity" issue.

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I agree with Amethyst.. Depending on *which* stage in life you are in. I dated someone who was 31 and I was 21-- there was a WORLD of difference.. I always had BF that were slightly younger than I was.. When I dated my XXBF, I was 19 and he was barely 16... so it works both ways. Now I am in a relationship with a 44 year old man, and I am 24-- and I've never been happier.


4-5 years isn't a big deal... as you get older you'll see that more and more. Nowadays, with advances in medicine and obviously the famous surgeries that go on, people in their 50s and 60s look like they're in their late 30's early 40's... Never underestimate that a certain age means everyone will be the same... If you take care of yourself and keep a YOUNG mind, I believe you will live to be quite happy no matter what age your at.

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