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I called and left message, no response yet. What to do?

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I met a girl at a sports bar Saturday night. I was with my friends, and she was with hers. I know one of her friends that she was with so I started talking to them.


Anyway, the other women she was with told me that "Jen" thought I was cute, etc... So I started talking to "Jen" and we really seemed to hit it off. We went back to one of her friends house and just talked until about 4:00 am. We got along really well, and I was really happy too get her number.


So I called Tuesday night, but she was not home, so I left a message. I left her my number and told her that I hope we can get together and do something sometime.


Well, she did not call me back. Should I just count this as a "strike out" or should I give her more time to call me, or should I call her again? I do not really want to call her again, because I do not want to be a nuisance to her.


Usually, I wouldn't even think twice about this, but I really like this woman, but do not know what to do. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!!!



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It was only Tues night that you called, and it's now Thursday morning..... she may be working or busy, I say give her the benefit of the doubt.


If she doesn't call by Sunday, maybe give her one more ring Sun. night and leave another casual message, like the first one, and then if nothing let it go.

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Are you sure she got the message? Answer machines malfunction. From my experience I'd say keep trying until you get to talk to her in person - then decide if she's interested or not.


Leaving a message on a machine is impersonal and too likely to go wrong. If you speak to her and get nowhere then at least you know.


Just my thoughts anyhow.

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