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emotional cheating


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No, I'm being serious. I'm sorry you're in pain but in the end, I think you can pull through and find someone who is better suited to you. 3.5 years is a long time. Just have to heal first, you know?


No sarcasm here.


Yeah it is really tough. I invested so much time into him. Oh well we can still be friends. I just will eventually find someone who is more inline with my values.

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As you can see....relationships end. And being invited into the family circle, access to his money and his deepest secrets shouldn't be handed out to someone who doesn't have staying power.


OP, now that you've broken up with him I hope you can see the wisdom in mhowe's comment.


Perhapes they exclude you because they sense your entitled/controlling attitude. I know my family would never welcome someone like that into the family.


Instead of blaming other it would be a good idea to think long and hard about what you could have done better in the relationship.


This is also worth reflecting on, OP.


None of us here have the whole story, but from your numerous posts here it sounds like you wanted much more from him than he could give.

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