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Arguments good/bad?

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Well iv had my problems with my g/f not that many and weve gotten over them but recently weve been having arguments just very little ones over little things but we do make up aftawards always.....


I jus want to kno if its true that arguments are "healty" in a reationship.....i mean arguments add a little bit of spark for me but stil are theyl bad or good???

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Well, I like good debates about issues on which we have opposing views but arguments specifically concerning your relationship are probably not that great.


Its hard to say, its one of those grey areas.


But as long as one of you is not constantly nagging the other and your arguments end in some kind of agreement then I don;t think it si too bad.

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can you tell me what you guys argue about? if you're arguing over personal things, like things one of you does to upset the other, try working out the problem. and when you feel an argument coming on over something stupid, try to say something to calm it down and not blow it out of proportion. something like "honey, forget it, it's not worth arguing with someone i care about." i say don't give up hope yet, but if the arguments continue and they are truly over nothing significant, then maybe you have to face the fact that the two of you just arent compatible.

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I wouldn't think that arguments are necessarily healthy --- but if you're into it, a good conversation is always really nice (one in which you two have opposing views and can "argue" with eachother in that sense...as long as you don't get too aggressive or anything).

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I think that arguments themselves can be healthy in some aspects because sometimes it's the only way to really work through an issue - it's much better than ignoring something and letting it build up into a much bigger issue. Sometimes it just helps to get things out in the open and make your viewpoints heard. That's not to say I think yelling at each other is productive - normally, if you're that upset about something, arguing about it won't help because both individuals will just ignore anything reasonable the other person says and may even temporarily feel more strongly about an issue just because the other person disagrees.


I don't think frequently arguing is healthy.

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