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When you decide enough is enough.

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Confronting him about his lies, while wasn't recommended by friends, turned out to be the best thing that I could do for myself. His hostile reaction gave me my answer and confirmed what I knew all along. If he was innocent, he would have been more than happy to clear up any misunderstanding or miscommunication. It's like all the little things over the past 3 years that didn't make sense came together and finally made sense.


It still hurts like hell to know that I was just something for him to use and that he never actually cared. Well, he only pretended to care when it served his best interest, when HE needed attention to make him feel better. Several months back a therapist told me I need to re-boost my confidence as a woman after what I went through because of him. I thought it was cheesy at the time, but it does make sense. The phrase 'emotional vampire' is an understatement for sure.


I learned a few days ago that Mr. I-Hate-My-Girlfriend is still happily with his girlfriend, planning out how many kids they're going to have etc etc. So that right there just proves he pretended to care about my wellbeing because he needed the attention when he wasn't getting along with her.


Yesterday, I decided enough was enough and that I am going to go full force with getting my life back. I actually joined a gym and plan on channeling all this negative energy into it. Today will be my first day and in a couple hours I will be meeting with a trainer to set some goals.


Removing a narcissus from your life is hard, overwhelming, and emotionally draining. I don't know if I will ever get back to feeling 100% after this but it's worth trying for.

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