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how to find myself again


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So I have been with my partner for 3 years....


Before I met him, I was independent, I loved myself , had a lot of friends and was happy.


I have completely lost myself in him, he's all I think about.... I hate it!


I feel I cant stand on my own two feet, I cant do anything for myself..... I know this is sound more like an Obsession more then anything.



I wanna be me again, how do I get that....? loving me again....




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Amazing: I remember feeling exactly as you felt many years ago. Maybe it could be a sign that your relationship could be coming to a natural end but I would not recommend an immediate split or even having a "break". I'm very dubious about the value of these "breaks" which I think many people use to have sex with other people.


If you have any friends that you don't see much or hobbies that you used to enjoy, reconnect with them. Unless your partner is a control freak, he should be OK with it but if he is, I would seriously question the relationship.

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My boyfriend lets me do what ever I want .... But I chose not to for so long ... But now things aren't going the best n I want to find myself again...


He's fine. He wants to be with the girl he first met .. So of course I want to do this for me more then anything , I am a good person, I just lost my myself big time.......

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I remember feeling like this. It's hard but you can get yourself back. Sign up for a few group activities. Make plans with friends. At first try and do things that it would be hard to cancel or get out of. It will probably feel weird doing things without him but it will actually make your relationship stronger. You'll be more interesting and your partner will have more free time.

After a while you'll start to enjoy going out without him. It just takes a bit of patience.

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