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I echo some of the above suggestions.


1) Definitely good grooming. "When you look like somebody, people treat you like somebody."


2) Be friendly and kind to everyone, at least as much as you can. Even the unpopular kids. Because today's unpopular person is tomorrow's VIP in many cases. Get a reputation for being approachable, and more people will approach you - and that increases your odds of one of 'em being a girl!


3) Expose yourself to many different types of friends. When you are around different people, you expand your mind and your horizons. And that ultimately makes you a more interesting person. AND GIRLS LOVE TO BE AROUND INTERESTING GUYS.

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Be as Charismatic as possible


I think girls like people who are nice/respectful of others


Also, i believe they like a guy that they can bring home to the parents


Mmmm and also, being spontanious is a big one i think... A lot of girls like a guy who is fun and random once in a while


Being funny doesn't hurt as well

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Yes, that is one key factor - be nice to EVERYONE, even the nerdy and unpopular kids. I've always been nice to everyone and so now, practically the whole school knows me. Just play it cool, don't hesitate about anything; be yourself - be cheerful and positive, good sense of humour and be active.

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Best piece of advice you can receive on attracting girls: Don't Worry About It!


You shouldn't be trying to attract girls. You should be focused on being yourself and being the best person you can be. If you are doing that then eventually some girl will find you attractive and things can go from there. But if you are making a big effort to attract females you could either come off as fake or get discouraged if things don't work out like you plan. So, don't think about attracting girls and think about bettering yourself.


Like other posters have said, be nice to everyone. First its just the right thing to do and secondly, if you are nice to people they will probably be nice to you. That makes it easier to meet people. Be active and do things you enjoy doing. And have confidence in yourself. elieve your a good person that people will want to get to know. Overall, just be yourself.

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