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need some advice, can anyone help/relate?

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I have been going out with my boyfriend for six months now, and everything is going steady. We never argue + The time we spend together is always fun. I have no reason to believe that he is not happy within our relationship either.


The only problem I can possibly pick out about him, is his time management skills. I am someone with pretty spot on time management, so this is where it can clash.


Tonight, we had planned to go to the movies, have some dinner etc. I have not seen him for a few days, and I made an effort to look nice... I was really hanging out to see him. Now he calls me to cancel because he has an essay to write that is due in tomorrow for university. This really upsets me. I let him know I was disappointed, but do you think I should really let him know how much this bugs me? It just annoys me that he has known all day that we were going out. He did sound really sorry that he couldn't.... and that in turn made me feel bad for sounding disappointed.


He has done this kind of thing, quite a lot...... and because I am so emotionally attatched to him, these things really get to me. Especially when I am looking forward to it so much, and then I end up sitting home bored because my plans have been ruined.


I know this is not a major problem, and I still want to be with him very much.... The advice I want, is am I over-reacting? Should I just get over these things, and not bring it up with him?


Does anyone else feel a little too emotionally attached?


Any advice would be great, as I am really confused about how I should be feeling.

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I think you should talk (not yell ) it out. Start by telling him how much you love him and then tell him it hurts you that he doesn't prioritize his time well. He should understand. But just remember to make sure not to be bossy or naggy or anything...everyone has problems,no one is perfect. So treat him with the love that you would want to be shown if you were in his situation.

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