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When do you know he's your BF?

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It's been more than three weeks that I have been "dating" this guy now. I really enjoy spending time with him, and he must like me as well. He calls me everyday, sometimes during work and always at night. We have even been seeing eachother almost 4-5 times a week!!! He even holds me at the movie theater..like we're already a couple. My only issue is I haven't dated in a long time (had a long term relationship for three years)...and I'm not sure whether he wants to be in a relationship with me. I am not naive, he just confuses me....


I tried to bring up the "what is our status" talk and he told me it was too soon and we have only been hanging out "for a little while"...is he just too weird, shy, or scared of commitment...What do you think? should we talk about it now? Or...should I just ride it out?

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things sound like they're going really well. Yes, I kinda agree with him, 3 weeks is too soon to have the relationship talk. Just wait it out a while, keep dating him. If you've been dating for 3 months and he still isn't calling you his girlfriend, then maybe it's the time for the talk.

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The weird thing is he seems to act pretty clingy and comfortable for someone who says its "too soon" to know what your status is.


I say just have fun with it and don't ask him about it anytime soon. If his behavior goes on like this for another couple of months and he doesn't say anything and it bothers you, then I might bring it up again at that point in time.

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Hmm....clingy? This is so bizarre for me I've never dated a guy who was clingy. He calls to tell me what he is doing in the evening with the possibility of us hanging out. But then again he is also very shy when we are in person. He said we'd have cute kids when he was intoxicated the other night too(is that not the oddest thing to say to someone you barely know?!) .....I wish I knew what was going through that head of his. I'm confused.

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I dont blame you, he sounds like a walking contradiction.


Hes telling you its too soon to be together, yet calls you all the time and hangs all over you when you go out and tells you that you guys would make good looking kids?


I might be wary of this one!

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Have fun with him and let HIM make the move in the direction of "coupledom". I don't know why so many girls need to hear the GF/BF title, just go with it. In fact, if I were you I'd try and circumvent it as long as possible to keep him on his toes! When people ask you who he is, say he's a "good friend" don't say he's the "guy I'm dating" he WILL notice this! And if he is at all inclined in that direction he will jump in and say something next time, or introduce you as his GF to someone to kind of give you the hint.


Also, guys aren't commitment phobic, shy, or scared... If they like you, they will want to be exclusive with you eventually. If not, then they aren't that into you. Period. It's not a medical condition, just human nature.


Good luck!

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I feel depressed now. We went out last night and he told me how he doesn't understand why everyone needs a relationship (meaning his friends and my friends). He said he doesn't want that, and doesn't need a girlfriend..and girls needs guys more than they need them. What?!!



Then he tells me not to go to crazy and make out with other guys when I leave for my trip to New York this weekend for a week. I am seeing my ex and some other friends and he said he was sure i'd probably get back with him..or hook up with someone. What the hell is going on? I have never met such a weird guy. He tells me I should be a model and am very hot, but doesn't go out of his way to kiss me...when we eventually do, it's awkward because he doesn't seem like he knows what he's doing. I try being aggressive but he seems like he is either not that into me or prude? Ugh...what should I do? I like him and want to get to the bottom of what is going on here.!!

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Like I said earlier, he is a walking contradiction. Hes insecure and hides it with jokes and misdirection.


Life is all about relationships, in one form or another, you have them with your family, friends, co-workers, lovers, spouses, etc.


Well you can have fun with this guy and just date him, or if you want someone who will treat you more seriously, then move on to someone less weird then this guy, who seems to have some sort of strange agenda.

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