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We just broke up.


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She got home from school and we talked for about an hour. I basically told her how I felt about her and she assured me that it was nothing that I did. She told me she felt that there was no emotional connection and there was no "click". However she admits that there was a click and connection the first few weeks we went out.


This is what my last message to her was before I put an away message up. Frankly I was getting tired of her not wanting to explain this to me in person and I just walked away.


Well _______ its like this. I would still like to talk to you in person tonight, or whenever. I think you are making an unjustified decision on a whim and making a mistake. I had, and still have , respect for you as a person and I hope you truly have thought this through. As far as an emotional connection I think you need to look beyond this week and be willing to fix it and go back to that "click" that was there. Whats sad is that that scrapbook is coming to an end without you wanting to make an attempt to see if this will work. Have a nice night.


She logged off shortly after. Now my question is what do I do from here? I work with this girl and I would still love to be her friend in hopes we start to click. How long do I go w/o talking to her? I just am really upset that she doesnt want to try and fix this because after one week she doesnt feel anything. She even told me up until last week that felt something there.

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I'm sorry things happened this way. You suspected they might, but it still doesn't make it any easier.


Your away message was good, and I think for now if you can, treat her in a friendly and civil manner at work, since that will make it easier on both of you to have a good working relationship.


Who knows what will happen in the future, but for now try to accept her decision and move on with your life. You have said everything possible and now it's up to her to figure out what she wants from her life, and what you want from yours.

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Hi - I'm so sorry to hear this. It sounds like you are very mature and are taking things well. Are you saying she broke up with you over ICQ? Wow - that's lame if she did! You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and that she needs to do some growing up. Yeah, the scrapbook thing, followed a few days later by "I don't feel that click" doesn't seem quite right.


I guess just stay civil. Give it a few weeks or months, maybe then try to reestablish the friendship. Best Wishes!



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You shouldnt talk to her until you are willing to accept that you two are not going to get back together. When you have accepted that you will only be her friend then you should talk to her. If you do anything else then you will only trying to convince urself that something is there when its not.

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well. we just got done talking again. It is still up in the air as to what she is truly feeling.


In one breathe she says that she thought there was something there in the beginning. In the next breathe she say that she just never felt anything.


She says her mom is super mad at her for not realizing what she is giving up. (Her mom loves me)


In the last conversation we had I asked her if we could at least just lay low on the whole relationship thing and be friends. But be willing if feelings ever do develop again to start things back off. She said she would see and that it might work.


I guess now I just remain a friend and hope maybe she sees what a great relationship she is missing.

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WOW so we met tonight. Basically she has fallen for my friend that we went bowling with. A relationship with him would be almost impossible but she says she really clicked with him. Tonight I told her how I felt about her and how I was willing to take a second and chance and get to know her and i better. I asked her to think about it rationally and let me know when she is ready. Who knows now 2 relationships are in the air. She at least agreed to think about it and I almost made her cry.

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