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Whats on this girls mind?


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Hello everyone. I met this girl last month. We have hung out twice. The first time was with my buddy and his girlfriend, which was also the night I met her. We just hungout at my buddies house and talked. Later the next day she added me on twitter and I messaged her and got her phone number. She also added me on Snapchat. I didn't really talk to her until a few weeks later at a small party and we talked the entire night. When she left she went out of her way to give me a hug and was gone. I texted her the next day and we set up a date for not this weekend, but the following one (Dinner/Movies).


After setting up the date I told her Id let her go because she seemed "busy" (taking long to respond but would respond with and ) faces) I then texted her few days later and she again would seemed thrilled in her responses back to me, but would throw me off because she would take forever.


Basically, I dont know about this vibe Im getting from her. Shes the first girl that I dont really know if she seems into me or not. Like Im not used to not talking to girls for a while and then going on dates. Its been like 4 days since we have talked and we are supposed to go out together next weekend? I dont know, it just seems weird.


Let me know how you guys feel about the story. Thanks!

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How long does she take to respond to your texts?

Why don't you just call her? Some people are just anti texting.

I would go on the date with her, ask her why she takes so long to reply and then see. So, wouldn't give up right now, but would give up if things seem off on the date or if you feel something just doesn't feel right about her.

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OK. I've been wrong about this before but it shows the signs that she likes you but is in another relationship that she hasn't quite got out of yet. Alternatively, she may have stress because of other issues like family illness or money.


I'm sorry I can only guess.


Good luck.


This actually sort of makes sense. Long story that I dont really want to bore you with but she might still be hooked on her ex. How would you bring it up to her? Just straight up you think?

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