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Pushed away


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I became very close with a girl a while back. She worked until very late so we'd always hang out late and then shed want to talk on the phone for hours afterwards. We couldn't date due to religious/societal conflicts but we enjoyed each others company. She would hold my hand and play with my hair but always referred to me as a brother.

In the beginning of July it all stopped. She told me shes stressed from work and was not in a talking mood. I had to go to a work event with her and her friend somewhere a month later and she totally avoided me and looked disgusted if I tried to talk to her privately. After the event she yelled that she didn't even want me to get in her car.

She ended up inviting me and my friend to a club for her birthday though a couple of weeks later. It was just me, her, and her friend. No contact at all until the end of the night when she saw her friend holding my arm that she took my other arm for a while. I had a couple of more interactions that end similar where we have no interactions but she'll say goodnight sweetly to me.

I do have a coarse personality and make inappropriate jokes sometimes but she has told me what they have been in the past and I stopped whatever she asked me to.

Any advice on what is happening ?

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She held your hand, played your hand and expressed she liked you like a brother? The fact is that you are NOT brothers and sisters. Friends do not treat each other as such.


She then ignores you yet ends up inviting you to go out with her and her friend. At the end of the night she pays attention to you only after she saw her friend holding your arm?


Over all it sounds like you are dealing with a mental head case girl or an abusive person who is an emotional abuser.


Neither man or woman would behave as you describe if there were genuine feelings based on mutual respect, interest and especially love.


I would run if I was you.

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