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White Stylist, Black Salon


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I just recently achieved my state license for cosmetology. My Mom has a friend who owns her own Salon and Beauty School and she talked me into booth renting for this woman. Well, the thing is.....I'm the only white person working in this salon. Not only am I the only white stylist, but I'm fresh out of beauty school (not the same one owned by the salon). I love my Mom's friend, she is an amazing lady who can do amazing things.


She told me that her reason for wanting me aboard the team is because she doesn't want to be labeled as a "Black salon". She wants more white clientele. The salon has virtually none. I told her that I want to learn black hair.


Today was great. I did 5 peoples hair. All black. I completely conquered an afro with a blow dryer like a pro. I had everyone staring at me in amazement. This girls hair was STRAIGHT.


Regardless, my confidence is still very low. It always has been. I'm shy, I'm new, I'm lost. And every time the salon owner throws a black client my way, even if it's just for a wash or and straighten, I can tell some don't want me touching their hair!

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I wouldn't look at it that way, to be honest. Instead of focusing your thought and energy on how other people view you, think of the great opportunity and experience you are currently learning at the moment. Not to long ago you were in class learning the basics. Now your out and about learning as you go! Hair, food, hotels, spa; it's more hospitality. You will have trying times with difficult people, it's just part of the game. However, don't focus on it, focus on improving yourself. Focus on what your learning. Eventually you might take your talents elsewhere, just don't forget what the present has taught you.

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Well clearly you have some talent if a salon has not only hired you, but is sending clients your way. I've talked to many stylists fresh out of beauty school and they're struggling trying to hustle their own clients.


Are you taking pictures of your work? If not then you should be! Not only is it a good idea to have a portfolio for professional networking and to see your own growth, but it is a clear way to show potential clients your abilities. Before and after pictures would be the way to go, just be sure to get permission in writing from your clients before taking their pictures.

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