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Collge Girls, shyness, and sex.


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I just got into college a couple of days ago. Girls here don't really look at me/show interest or anything (don't expect them too) but at my old town they did a little more. Anyways this girl (girl #1) kept looking at me and at one point stood kind of right in front of me. I could tell by her mannerisms that she wanted me to say something to her. We were in a 30 person group for like 5 hours. I did not say a word to her. I have trouble communicating w/ people. My mind does not come up with things to say most of the time. I'm not very witty. Its just how I am. If I was an extrovert I would take advantage of it to full extent. I've also been diagnosed w/ avoidant personality disorder. How severe, I couldn't say.


I think I would like girl #2 who is in the same building as me better. We have the same major (computer science) and she is pretty also.


The thing is I feel like I would be wasting both of our time if I went up and talked to girl #1. I always get this feeling like maybe I would like someone else better or maybe they will be disappointed by my lack of social skills. In college I know hookups are a thing. I would be fine w/ just a hook up but I wouldn't want to make the girl feel bad or like she wasn't worthy to be my girlfriend. So how do people do it? It takes a lot of energy for me to get close to people b/c I'm not social so if I want to be w/ someone it seems like I kinda have to see a future w/ them, what to do? Btw I've never had sex. And how to signal to a girl that you don't want anything serious.


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"I'm not social so if I want to be w/ someone it seems like I kinda have to see a future w/ them, what to do?"

- I agree.

If your questionable over the both of them, how about you bow out at this time from both and give yourself time to look around more?

To where one gal really catches you eye?


If you do decide to go there, you do have to be honest with them.. if hooking up is all you're looking for & let them decide.

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So get out of your head, this whole deciding "who is better for you" you don't know a thing about either of these girls. So stop making excuses, and next time you have class with both of these girls, when you catch eye contact with either of them, smile and say Hi, how are you doing, and introduce yourself. A lot of people are nervous in the first days of class, and it's always nice to make a "buddy" early on. It usually helps with class too since you can form a study group later on.



So start with baby steps, you're already talking about having sex with them and worried you will hurt them and make them not feel worthy.



How about you start with a smile, a hello and we'll take it from there

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