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Soon 2 months after breakup and im still in love PLEASE HELP

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First of all, sorry for my bad english if you find any grammar errors, im Norwegian


Its soon been almost 2 months since she broke up with me, and im still in love with her and cant stop thinking about her. We were together for 6 months and i was her first big love and she was mine too. We both were virgins until we got together (she was 16 i was 19), we had a very good sex life. After six months she suddenly starts seening less of me, spending more time with her friends. I started to wonder what was wrong and i asked her why she wasn't spending any time with me anymore, she got mad and said she had to spend time with friends and other people than me. I was a fool and appologized for what i said.


A few days later she tells me she is sorry for not spending enough time with me and that she is frustrated and doesn't have the "correct" feelings for me anymore. After i ask what she means by that i get shot down by her saying she can't be my girlfriend anymore and that she doesn't really have ANY feelings for my anymore. Its over.


I really loved her, and i never saw this coming. Some weeks go by and i find out after asking her for the truth she tells me after i asked her that she made out with a so called "friend" of her she met while we were together. I remember when she started to have contact with him i didn't like it at all since i knew she found him attractive and vica verca. I even busted her while we were together when she sent him a SMS saying he was a handsome and nice boy, and her asking what he thought of her. She appologized for this when i found out and said there was nothing going on, she just wanted to know what he thought of her. She promised me she didn't want to be any more than friends with him.


Now its been almost 8 weeks since the breakup and that other guy she made out with is still only her friend, they only made out once and she told me they only did it to find out if there was anything between them and they figured out it wasn't by making out only ONCE. I know they are nothing more than friends now.


Im still in love with her and the thought of her with other boys litterally KILLS me. I really want to get over her, but i can't get her out of my head. I can't concentrate, i can't focus and i can't stop thinking about her.


Anyone have any thoughts? I really need help getting over her, i don't know what to do anymore, i have never experienced pain like this before. Please help me, any reply would really help me. Thanks!

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She is going through alot in life, 16 can be a very hard time. If you two are ment to be together, you will be... eventualy. And when/if she comes back to you try to be understanding that the judgements she made then were probably clouded by different influences. But, if you truly love her you have to let her go and give her the choice of coming back to you. What i mean by that is don't make annoying phone calls or send annoying letters to her or anything like that. Just let her be. Everything will turn out how it's supossed to in the end

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