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Not sure how to take this.


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This is a follow up for the earlier post. Basically my girlfriend told me that she needed her space today and that is the reason why she didnt want to do anything. I told her I respected that because we have spent a lot of time together and I could see where she was coming from. She also thought we moved to fast, but we agreed that that was ok as long as we were able to work through the problems. She made me a scrap book and she put to be continued in it and gave it to me on Christmas. I said I just dont want our scrapbook to end she said me neither. Does this sound like she still wants to go out with me?

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I'm sure she does...but when things are going crappy for someone many just want to be left alone to deal with it...and that really seems to be what she is looking for. She isn't comfortable being in a "mood" around you yet...so don't push it.


Do yourself and her a huge favor, next time you talk to her...don't ask her when you can see her again...tell her to call you when she feels up to doing something. Leave the ball in her court...she will miss spending time with you soon enough.

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Raptor, I'm sure she wants to continue seeing you. But I also know what she means about moving too fast. Sometimes relationships start taking up so much time, it's hard for each person to take of themselves as individuals. The relationship can be great, but people also need their own time to be alone or with friends or taking care of responsibilities.


So, I agree with ticklebug. Just go with the flow and trust that she's doing what needs to be done right now. Spending time apart can actually improve a relationship, because then you want to be together that much more.



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yeah i deffinatley think she wants to still remain my gf after the text she sent me last night. She told me the next time we go out she wants me to hold her and kiss her and stuff like that. She is going away for the weekend so I guess I will let it rest for a few. If she doesnt mention doing anything I will just casually ask her out again to get the ball rollin.

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