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my friend's gf is pissed, i feel sorta responsible.

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i was out with some friends tonight, including my friend and his girlfriend (she is also my friend) at the end of the night, the group started to split up to do their own thing (there were about 7 of us) my friend's girlfriend wanted us to come to her house and hang out for a bit because she lived close to where we just had dinner. however my friend (her bf) wanted to go to his house and go to bed, and asked if i'd give him a lift since i live close to him. i said ok, so we started to leave. it went bad after this part. everyone else in our group kinda left and nobody ended up going to the girl's house like she wanted, including me and her boyfriend. apparently he never told her he was going home with me so she got very upset and stormed off as we were leaving. we caught up with her and tried to talk to her but she wasn't having any of it. since we didn't think it would do any good to keep chasing her, we left and i took my friend home. as we got close to his house his girlfriend called him and i could hear her yelling and eventually crying over the phone (she's got some emotional issues i think, so she gets upset easily in these kind of situations) my friend got really upset, and i asked him if i could do anything to help and he said no, and i asked him if i did anything wrong by leaving with him, and he said no. so he went into his house and i came home, and now here i am.


that's the story. now, i feel sorta of guilty about what happened, because when she was trying to get people to go to her house, i new she might have gotten upset if we didn't go but i really just wanted to go home myself... i feel like i should have mentioned to my friend that he should have stayed with her, but i said nothing. and i can't elp but feel that she's just as mad at me as she is at her boyfriend fo what happened.


so... what should i do? both of them are good friends and i want to help make things better with them, but i don't know how or even if it's any of my business. i just feel sorta guilty... any advice is appreciated, thanks.

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First of all you did nothing wrong yourself. You friend asked for a ride home, and being a good buddy you did. Your friend probably went wrong when he didnt tell his girl he was tired and wanted to go home. The only conflict in this situation is the girl acting like a mother, must know everything when it happens. Your friend probably already made up with the girl on the phone when you dropped him off, and you should have no trouble with either of them. you are perfectly fine. Happy New Years!

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I agree.


You were the Taxi driver, nothing more...the issue is between your friend and his GF...


he was wrong to not have told her he was catching a ride with you




she had a right to be a bit pissed at him...he doesn't tell her he's leaving AND drives off with another female? (regardless if it is very clear you two are friends) He should have stayed behind, and got home a different way.

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Aw, wanderer, you're so sweet to care about your friend and his gf's problem. But like the others said, you've done nothing wrong.


If you want to, you can do something in the future to make your friend's GF feel better, like be enthusiastic the next time she invites people over to her house. It's NOT like you owe her, but I can tell you are a thoughtful person, so I'm just pointing out one thing you could do.


You don't have to apologize for tonight, like I said. But you can take advantage of other opportunities to let her know you care, just as a friend would.

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When your friend said "no" you did nothing wrong he was right, and so are the others. If it's anyone's problem it's your friend's gf. Some times people don't want to do what others want to do, you just have to get over it. I'm sure these types of conflicts have happened to everyone and they've been on both sides. She probably even has not went somewhere that someone else wanted her to go. You just have to realize it's not that big of a deal, most of the time.


You have nothing to do with this, but I guess what your FRIEND should do is talk to his gf, WHEN SHE SETTLES DOWN. You can't communicate when the convo is one sided..someone yelling at another. I'm sure everything will be calm after the storm, so relax and just talk to them tomorrow. 8)

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