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Effects and side effects of anti depression meds

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Hey guys,


I'm coming out of a break up, my ex dumped me for no good reason (I suspect there is someone else) after me having a miscarriage.


Since then (it's been 2 weeks) I've been on xanax, sleepingpills and anti depression meds.


I don't know if they are working, I do feel less "down" but that might be time Healing me ...

Thing is I have problems with peeing, blury vision but today I'm shakey feels like my heart's beating way too fast.


Have any of you guys ever experienced that ? And does it get better ? Do these meds really work ?


Thank u ...

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When I first started taking citalopram I used to get about an hour after taking my pill where it would feel like my heart was beating out of my chest, but that was the only med I was on.


Speak to your doctor about this, because it could be one pill causing all the havok, or it might be the combination.

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