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Is this normal


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Hi, so after a 1 year relationship that ended about 4 months ago I have been dating around a bit. The problem is that I haven't found a girl that I like that much, yet. I'm worried that this might be because of the semi-recent break up. Part of what has me worried is that I found a girl that on paper seems like she would be perfect for me, but I just don't like her that much. Is this just normal dating issues or could this be residual effects of the break-up?

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It's natural for a breakup to dim your light for a while. That's why it's not a great idea to attempt dating right after, because you can kill some future opportunities with people who you may resonate with a whole lot better after you're out of the breakup funk.


Head high.

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Hi, so after a 1 year relationship that ended about 4 months ago I have been dating around a bit. The problem is that I haven't found a girl that I like that much, yet. I'm worried that this might be because of the semi-recent break up. Part of what has me worried is that I found a girl that on paper seems like she would be perfect for me, but I just don't like her that much. Is this just normal dating issues or could this be residual effects of the break-up?


To answer your question, yes, it can be normal for someone perfect on paper (texts, phone calls) to come accross differently when you meet them in person. As to whether there is residue from the break-up, only you can answer that question.

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To answer your question, yes, it can be normal for someone perfect on paper (texts, phone calls) to come accross differently when you meet them in person. As to whether there is residue from the break-up, only you can answer that question.


I forgot to add that from your update, you didn't mention whether you met this woman in person, and then determined that she wasn't a match for you? If this wasn't the case, then how did you determine that you didn't like her.

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