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Distractions after a break up ?


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Any time. I am not sure when your break up happened but I feel like I am a few weeks ahead of you in the process so I will help any way I can. And trust me, I will not feed you any BS or tell you to do all kinds of crap that we both know that you are incapable of right now. I just advise that you get out and do the things that you are CAPABLE of doing like going to a park, walk around the block, get a change of scenery. As often as possible. Its a matter of survival. I used to love fishing. I bought a kayak in the spring and went out all the time prior to the break up. Now, I cant do it. Not at all. No passion at all for it. Same with video games and drinking. I used to enjoy sitting on the couch and playing my games and having a few beers on the weekends. Nope. zero interest at all now. Cant do it. No passion... Do you have family that you can go stay with?


I am glad I could help with the fruit idea but seriously try to pick up something solid too like a pack of granola bars and flush them down with water if needed. I have always hated serial and never ever ate breakfast in the morning but now, simply because I am capable, I eat a bowl of frosted mini wheats every morning with milk. I dont like it but I do it routinely every day. I hate it! soggy nasty cerial... But I do it and it can be very challenging but you get used to it. Survival.

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