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It's only been a month...

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My Grandpa was a great guy, runner-up bantam weight champion of Scotland in boxing, father of 2 children, brother to 12 siblings and husband loyally to one and only one. He was diagnosed with Alzheimers about 8 years ago, Parkinsons not long after that. slowly the problems built up to brain tumors to lung cancer to stomach cancer. When I personally knew him he'd always been a tad slow and hard to understand because of his accent but he was my hero, and my brothers' and my dad's. about a month ago, he passed away, gracefully. since then my family (including me) has been a wreck. my dad's been severely drinking his pain away, my brothers and I are jus plain out sad. my mom is trying to deal with it by working herself harder. and everything is so... blah. someone help me here! i don't want to be sad! i want my family to be better and my dad drink on his occasional friday, not daily! help!? and Gold Bless.

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I am sorry for your loss, my father died a little over 2 months ago, so I know how you feel.


Everybody deals with grief in their own way, and there is not much you can do about the way others grieve. Take heart in the fact that as time passes, they will start to feel better. Think about how your grandfather would want you to continue on with your life and do it.


People never really die as long as you remember them and honor their memory.

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hon you know i am there for you forever. you are one of my bffs, and i love you soo much! i know we are having....friend issues, but know that i am there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. not that i've actually seen you cry, beause you never show any emotion but happy to people, but if you need to cry, call me. i'm so screwed up i know how much it hurts when someone close to you dies-- my favorite uncle commited suicide when i was seven, remember? again, i'm there for you forever. so just call me for god'ssakes.



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you need to give your family time...they can't heal from this that fast, and a month isn't very long at all...if your father's drinking is an issue for you , the person to talk to is your mom...if she knows it is bothering her children, she may turn around and instead of working harder she will turn her attention to trying to help your father as a means to help herself heal...


you can't help them heal any faster....everyone has their own timeline...the only person you can work on is you.

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my grandfather died 1 year ago and my mom she is still sad.when i lost him i spent more time with my friends and tried to spend more time with my mom and and tried to be happier and time will heal all pain. and about ur dads driking problem talk to him about thats what i do. try to think of the good memories and do anything that makes you happy.hope i helped and i m here for you if u need someone to talk to

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