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he hurt me..but i cant get over him

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So this is my story,

i was dating this guy i met at a party. he was really cute. but i wasnt sure if i wanted to be with him...but he made me feel special(cuz i dont really get along with my parents-they hate me). and i started to really like him. we were writing txt messageall day long..and we tried to see each other as often as possible. and he even told me: I love you..h ewas the first person who had said that to me. i thought he was like really into me,cuz he could never let me go and stuff.but then after just 1 month he wrote me a txt message saying maybe we should break up,cuz i need some time for myself. i couldnt believe it...so i tried everything to get ihm back..i wrote him a long letter telling how much i love him..and then he said that he sitll loves me and doesnt want 2 break up..he juts needs some time..ao we didnt see each other like for 3weeks..but he kept writitng me txt m. saying that he misses me and wants 2 see me and that he loves me and stuff. and then he said he wants to see me on thursday,cuz wednesday night he had a soccer game. so i decided to surprise him and go to his game..i was on the train,when he told me that he's sick and then he said he doesnt love me anymore and he doesnt want to be with me...i was shocked...i cried and cried...then aftre a week i met one of his friends( i didnt know him) and we talked alot about my ex. and i found out that he has been dating another girl for 6months and he wants to marry her someday(i know that he has another girl but i dont know if its true that they have been dating for 6 months) and that he just played with me. he just wanted to have "fun" with me..and thta he doesnt give a sh** about me...all this was fake...i can believe it....normally i dont trust ppl..but i trusted him..cuz i thougth he loves me...it really hurt to hear that it was just a game for him...this happened like a month ago..and i thougth i was over him...cuz i thougth what an a**and im not gonna cry..cuz hes not worth it...but i still think of him..cuz the time with him was so great..i dont know what to do...now i cant trust anybody...i feel like im lost...im so alone...how can i really forget him..and move on..and how can i trust another guy ever again..please help..

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not all guys r like that, unfortunately many of them r. don't give up, u will eventually meet someone else, much better than that two-faced cheater.

was that ur first relationship? u were vulnerable cuz of ur relationship with ur parents, u wanted to feel needed. next time, don't let anyone take advantage of it



anyways, i hope u feel better, pink

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and how can i trust another guy ever again..please help..


it isn't fair to any other guy you meet to compare him to the ex that hurt you...they are two diferent people. You have to give a new person a chance just like you gave a chance to the one that hurt you.


Take what happened to you and learn from it....take your relationships slower, don't get so wrapped up in a guy before you really and truly get to know him...and that means spending lots of time together...not having a relationship through text messaging.

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At this age, nothing is what it seems. So you got caught up and now you're beating yourself up for it. But you didn't do anything wrong, you didn't deserve it. You gave your heart out too quickly. Lots of us have done it. So next time, give yourself more time to feel the guy out. I wouldn't rush into another relationship right now. Fix yourself first... emotionally. Talk to your friends, read up on the message boards here.

Don't let this guy bring you down. [-X You said it yourself, he's not worth it. Next time, you'll just be smarter about your choices. Be strong.


I'm here if you wanna talk.

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