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cheated on my bf with 3 people

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i went two this party the other day and i got really drunk and was in this room with three people who also had bfs and gfs i ended up getting off wth all of them loads of times and tossed off 2 boys and getting fingered by one and also almost got fingered by a girl.

i hav fancied this girl for a while (im bi) and she knows it and also bi but she has a bf.

on the way home the girl told me she fancies me more than her bf n has fancied me since i told her i did. the other three have broken up wth there bf or gfs and mine didnt dumb me! (i told him what i did) but i cant get her outer ma head and i dunno wat 2 do!!!

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haha same here, im 22 and have never had that much *ahem* excitement. well if your bf didnt break up with you then wow. but it sounds like you told him this to break up with you and you wouldnt have to be the dumper and feel bad and then you can skip along your merry way guilt free. have the guts to break up with him if you want to screw around. otherwise uh, dont cheat on him. doesnt sound like you care about your bf anyways sooo....problem solved....NEXT!

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well...im not gonna say anything about the age thing, because thats obviously what your not asking about. if you and this girl like eachother...then go for it..your too young to worry about ppl holding you down anyways. but be careful, adults usually start to educate kids about STD's etc about the age of 15.. but since your obviously ahead of them, you should get urself educated if your not already.

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haha same here, im 22 and have never had that much *ahem* excitement. well if your bf didnt break up with you then wow. but it sounds like you told him this to break up with you and you wouldnt have to be the dumper and feel bad and then you can skip along your merry way guilt free. have the guts to break up with him if you want to screw around. otherwise uh, dont cheat on him. doesnt sound like you care about your bf anyways sooo....problem solved....NEXT!


LOL! Well, I have to agree with this one here! It does sound like you told your bf what you did so that he would break up with you. You are obviously way into this girl, so I would tell your bf that you don't want to be with him any more.


I know that you didn't post your problem to get a lecture on sex education, but reading your post about your scenario concerned me. You should think about the consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors and get educated on STDs and protective sex if you want to do adult things. That's what a responsible adult would do before taking action. No pun intended!

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---that's what a responsible adult would do before taking action. No pun intended!---


haha bally good one...yeah i didnt EVEN get into the whole age thing or safe sex cause *SIGH* that awhole nother can of worms...but girl...you have A LOT to think about....take care of yourself....


oh...kids grow up so fast these days....

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Well, I am going to address your age. I am very concerned - and sad - to hear about a 14 year old girl "getting off loads of times" with a roomful of people.


You may not be a child anymore, but you are certainly not a grown up yet. I am frightened that you may end up in a situation where you are incredibly violated. Do you realize that people could have been videotaping what you were doing? I've heard of situations where teen girls are egged on to get sexual and it's actually taped - and then circulated throughout school and the Internet.


And that's just one scenario.


I realize you are at an age of sexual discovery. However, your behavior, if you keep it up, is going to give you a reputation that you may never be able to overcome. There is so much out there that can offer fun and excitement besides sex, without the risks. I really hope you will stop a moment and give some serious thought to what you are doing. Please, a moment's instant gratification is not worth pregnancy, a sexually transmitted disease, and a ruined reputation.

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omg i m glad i dont get drunk and go to parties like that my boyfriend would dump me even if i got drunk and if i cheated on him that sure he would dump me as quick as he could.any way think about if u care about your would you stay in the relationship but be hurting him by fantizing about a girl???what would he do if he knew how you feel about her?? how would you feel if you were in his shoes?what would you do if you were him?? just think of these things i bet alot of these questions are going through his mind.and if you really like this girl then i think you should break it off with your boyfriend.

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hehe....... if anyone cares....... im a normal 14 year old girl ( i will only make out, and only with my bf)...... cept for my problems........ but like SEXUALLY im normal........... not weirdness..... like cutting....... and burning...... and punching........ lol...... god i ahve a lot of problems...... this doesn't help your post any but i thought i should let all these good people that there are normal young people out there...... i've never even tried pot/......... though i can't say that if i hadthe chance i wouldn't.... but i haven't'!!!! lol....

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Sorry, but I must also chime in and say that, at 14, you have no business going to parties and getting drunk. You shouldn't even be drinking (legally speaking). And it is absolutely the case that you are placing yourself at great risk. There are sexual predators aout there who will say and do anything to compromise you. Don't help them, please.

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LOL I just read this whole post


at 14 i had a curfew of 10,(on the weekends) but this world is changing no doubt!


I have a brother who is 14, and he tells me that there are already 3 girls in his class that are pregnant. I was like WHAT?


I am 24, and i just had my first child a month ago, i freaked out because its a whole new way of living, and i think about what if i was 14, thats scary....


Please be careful, there are some dangerous people out there, you have so much time to have sex and relationships....your are still a child, and drinking and having threesomes, whoa, i look at my son and man i really freaked out now, next thing you 10 year olds are drinking...


you probably dont like the fact that all these adults are telling you this but, one day you will understand...


hope everyone have a happy new years, and god help those people affected by the tsunamis!!!!


bye every 1

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Yes, things are sure changing. Well we can discourage you all we want to not do these things at such a young age, but you're probably still going to do them anyway. So at least be aware of the consequences and take the advice given here seriously. Don't get yourself hurt out there.

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At 14, I'll admit that myself and all of my friends were like that. It sounds stupid and maybe I'm alone here, but I can see what good can come of it. I am by no means saying that there is no bad in this, just pointing something out. Some kids are going to drink because they want to, and there's really nothing you can say about it to stop them. I think that in order to see what's right clearly, you have to see what's wrong. Congratulations if you can see what's wrong before you do it, but some of us learn through experience. On some screwed up level, I'm grateful that I got drunk at 13 and slept on my friends' couches, rather than at 16, when I would be potentially driving home or taking rides from others who were drinking.


On the other side of that, drinking has caused a lot of problems in my life. If I had figured things out before I started, maybe I wouldn't have become dependent on alcohol. I'm making somewhat better decisions now, but it's tragic that I had to learn what was right by process of elimination. Some of my friends who drank that young evolved into drug addicts, while some are perfectly fine and never even drink anymore.


Say a prayer for the youth of America.

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It sounds stupid and maybe I'm alone here, but I can see what good can come of it. I am by no means saying that there is no bad in this, just pointing something out. Some kids are going to drink because they want to, and there's really nothing you can say about it to stop them. I think that in order to see what's right clearly, you have to see what's wrong. Congratulations if you can see what's wrong before you do it, but some of us learn through experience.


I agree here to some extent. Even if teenagers were taught the consequences of alchohol over and over, it wouldn't matter to some of them. Some would drink anyway because it might be thrilling to them to do something illegal or a similar reason (peer pressure comes to mind).


I know very well what it was like to be pressured to drink by friends. Thankfully I never actually did it. Not until last year at age 19. That gives me no excuse to drink either though. I'm only 19 and still have two years to go. It's still illegal for me and I could still get in major trouble for doing it. Even people who are over 21 can still get in major trouble with alchohol because they abuse it (obvious reasons such as drinking and driving).


Throughout high school, I learned about people at my school getting killed because of alchohol. I remember one particular instance that really caught my eye. One night these four kids from our school were partying somewhere and they decided to drink and drive. They misjudged the consequences. They were going 60 mph. down some road. They didn't quite make it through a sharp turn and they went off the road and nailed a tree. Two of those kids died. One was in a deep coma for a long time. The survivor (guess who?!), the driver, is still alive today. But guess what she has to deal with for the rest of her life? She has to deal with the fact that she killed two of her friends. I can't even imagine how I would feel if I did that.


So if you think drinking alchohol won't affect you or someone else in some way, then it very well could. It affected that driver quite a bit I'd say. I found out that this girl lives in my neighborhood but I doubt she has the same life that she used to have. I heard she was very involved in school and was popular. Not so sure about that anymore.

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