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I'm actually a fairly experienced guy, but I've never talked to anyone about this. I know this thread is simlar to lots of others on this board, but I just want to ask these questions directly.


Firstly, how safe is it to assume that a girl will like having her ear kissed, licked, blown in, etc? Do any girls dislike this, get creeped out by this? Incidentally, the girl in question is moderately experienced, almost 19 years old. I'm 20.


Secondly, do any girls not like kissing guys' ears? My gf doesn't do it, but I want her to because I really like it. I want to ask her to, but I don't know if any/many girls find doing it offputting. Any thoughts would be welcome, thanks.

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To answer your question of "do some girls not like it?"...Yes. But I don't think it's very common to dislike it. I know that any sort of close physicalness like that makes me uncomfortable...but especially the ears (and neck). However, it sounds like you guys have been close before...so I don't think she will mind because she is comfortable with you and the closeness. I guess the only real way I can think to find out where she stands is to try it a little and ask her if it is okay or makes her uncomfortable or whatever else. If it doesn't...then she'll probably take the hint and try it on you also. And if she does not like it, just make sure you refrain from doing it. Because if it makes her uncomfortable...that is one of those spots that can have the equivalent negative effect as to that of the common postive one.


Anyway, that's my two cents, hope it helped...

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I like it and my boyfriend really likes it as well.


My boyfriend just started doing it. It didn't bother me. I'm sure if your girlfriend didn't like it, she would tell you to stop. Make sure she knows that you won't be mad if she ever tells you to stop doing something she isn't comfortable with.


Maybe she just needs more time to open up and get comfortable.

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I love to have my neck and ears kissed and blown on. It feels quite erotic! If you do this to your gf you can whisper in her ear, "Do you like that?" She might make it obvious by her physical reaction to it (i.e. arching her back, a moan, or tell you that she likes it). I know that most of my female friends also like to be kissed like that.


Hope that helps.

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My boyfriend and I absolutely love being kissed on the ears and neck. I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind, if she didn't push you away or tell you to stop the first time.


I do have a question for anyone browsing this topic... does anyone know why being kissed on the ears turns you on? I mean, any kiss from my boyfriend turns me on in a way, but these feel different...

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