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So I started dating this guy almost 3 months ago, we met online and our first date went incredibly well. We continued to date, seeing each other at least 2/3 times a week. we slept together pretty early on but it didn't seem to effect anything. He continuously expressed that he really liked me and that "this is the best first 6 weeks and 2 days of a relationship" he's ever had. He treated me so well and for the first time in my like I felt like I had actually met "the one" but a month ago he had to go back to his home country for work purposes (a trip he's been planning since before we met) and we discussed that we would continue our relationship where we left it once he returned. Before he left, we voiced that we were exclusive but never anything about being "official". Now, he returns in just over a week and lately he has become extremely distant. I very rarely hear from him (last conversation was 5 days ago) and the last thing I want to do is become the crazy clingy girl by texting and calling him constantly so I've pretty much left it in his court. All of this is absolutely tearing me apart because I was very quickly falling in love with him and now I feel like he may be pulling away. Now I get that he is busy but no one is THAT busy, the least he can do is send me a quick text or something at the end of the day. I'm not sure if I should contact him asking whats going on or if I should just try and forget about him and if he comes back, then he comes back. Please give me some advice, my mind is going crazy here!

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He might have thoughts about wanting to return to his home country. This might well include you but he needs to be sure in his own mind how he will approach you about it. I wouldn't forget about him but be patient and you should get an answer soon.


How easy would it be to relocate to his country? It isn't easy, believe me!


Good luck.

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I doubt this is the case, he owns a production company and it is based in the US and he always talks about how much he loves it here. He is doing quite well for himself so he is able to visit home fairly often.

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If he's visiting family he just may not have much time. He may well be very happy with you but you are not "official" which probably means he's not talking about you with his close family ( I know I wouldn't be) if he's not talking about you with them then he probably won't be communicating with you while they are around.


He said you would pick up where you left off when he gets back so all you can do is wait until her returns. Try to relax...I know it's tough but try.

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The best way to clear your doubt and confusion is to talk this out with him. I have always been a firm believer that in a relationship, communication is the key. If you keep this to yourself, you will suffer in agony and your mind will just wonder of the why's and the what if's. try talking these things out with him. who knows he is having some personal problems which he himself cannot open it up to you. Goodluck and i hope you will be able to settle this issues soon.

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