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Ex keeps popping in and out of contact!!! !!

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Myself and the ex, together for 4 years ended January this year. She was always in love with me more than i was with her, wish it was the same but in all honestly it wasn't. She chased me and all that, found me interesting and weird and did everything to try and get to know me. Eventually after months of dates and getting to know each other we started the relationship. To me the relationship was more physical than anything, please don't get me wrong i did care for her and loved her but i was never fully into it for some reason and i have little idea why!!?


We did a lot of stuff over the last 4 year, i can freely admit i wasn't the best boyfriend, mainly due to the absence of emotions (im pretty at that stuff) i never cheated, i believe loyalty is incredibly important rare these days it seems.


Anyway, after she broke it off, due to not loving me anymore i was devastated, as it was completely out the blue. We just celebrated Christmas in Spain and then new year in London. I suspected something was wrong and tried talking to her previously but to no avail, but after the break up i respected her wished and basically went ninja and didn't contact her at all, now she just randomly gets in touch for random reasons.


1) First time was in Feb over my Whatsapp picture as she said it was of her and myself (which it wasnt, but she screen shot it, cant fight the evidence so im guessing a glitch) my picture was myself stood on top of a van in a drunk state. Then she started asking me how i was and not to snap at her as she did still care about me, when starting going on about how she hurt me/ How sex isn't just a good reason to stay together/ plus more random . I just said in the end " i don't want us to get back together, it was the right decision. It hurts but that's life"


2) Now to March, 5 weeks after the first message, another completely random message "how do i delete you from Google+" i replied "no idea, ask google" she replied "oh that's really mature" so that went on for a bit and i explained i tried to delete her but to no success (didn't look properly), she see this and then just says "well when you find out can you delete me pleeeeeeeeaaaaassseee i was like "" so i though it, asked google found out and deleted her and then replied "ive done it and can you delete my number too as you dont need it" she replied "cool, thanks"


3) Then a month ago i got two missed calls and then this !!! i copied this convo from my Whatsapp, below is the full conversation.


Im Dave by the way!


19/04/2014 14:49:28: ‪Jodie‬: Will you answer your phone please


19/04/2014 14:50:51: Dave: Why?


19/04/2014 14:58:08: ‪Jodie‬: Actually, forget it. I cba speaking to a child


19/04/2014 14:59:11: Dave: What's with the hostility, I was in the shower. I get the feeling you hate me.


19/04/2014 15:00:41: ‪Jodie: If you've done what I suspect you have then I don't hate you, I just feel sorry for you...you need to grow up if you've done this


19/04/2014 15:01:30: Dave: I have no idea, what you are going on about!! Done what exactly?


19/04/2014 15:02:09: ‪Jodie‬: £20


19/04/2014 15:02:16: Dave: What?


19/04/2014 15:02:50: ‪Jodie‬: remember when you put your number on that note? (back story: friend told me to write my number on a £5 note, spent it, months later some random dude contacted me, it was quite funny)


19/04/2014 15:03:11: Dave: In Chester?


19/04/2014 15:03:27: ‪Jodie‬: I don't know where it was


19/04/2014 15:03:34: ‪Jodie: Then people contacted you


19/04/2014 15:04:01: Dave: Oh right, someones done that you and you think it's me!! Cheers


19/04/2014 15:05:30: Jodie‬: Well yes


19/04/2014 15:06:39: Dave: Well it's not, but thanks for contacting me, out of the blue to give me . Real classy Jodie


19/04/2014 15:06:55: ‪Jodie‬: Well I don't believe you


19/04/2014 15:08:16: Dave: That's not my problem, I know the truth and I didn't. Trust me I think it's hilarious but it's still not my work.


19/04/2014 15:08:43: ‪Jodie‬: Yes it's funny. Hence why I think its you lamb or bobby


19/04/2014 15:10:41: Dave: Well again thanks for the assumption that I'm hilarious. But all I can say is that it was none of us.


19/04/2014 15:12:21: ‪Jodie: Ye ok


19/04/2014 15:12:25: ‪Jodie‬: Pathetic


19/04/2014 15:13:15: Dave: What it is with you and just hating me? I didn't in do it.


19/04/2014 15:14:55: ‪Jodie‬: I don't hate you


19/04/2014 15:15:14: ‪Jodie: I saw you in showbar (a club where i live) the other night and had to leave because I couldn't be near you


19/04/2014 15:16:28: Dave: Nor should you. Yeah mark told me he saw you, I didn't by the way I was to busy trying to stand up. Why could you be near me?


19/04/2014 15:16:37: Dave: Couldn't*


19/04/2014 15:17:02‬: Jodie: Because I hurt you and I felt bad for you


19/04/2014 15:17:34: Dave: What's it like being up your own ass?


19/04/2014 15:20:29: Jodie‬: I'm not


19/04/2014 15:22:03: Dave: Oh woman please! I don't think youve seen sunlight for a few years now.


19/04/2014 15:23:46: Jodie‬: Hence why I believe this was you


19/04/2014 15:29:18: Dave: Firstly I don't get that. Secondly I haven't had your number since the beginning of the year.


19/04/2014 15:30:50: ‪Jodie‬: Your mates do


19/04/2014 15:31:03: ‪Jodie‬: And who said it couldn't have been done then


19/04/2014 15:32:41: Dave: Well me, my mates haven't got your number. Plus you've already said it's funny so I don't know why I'm getting this hate. If anyone messages you with just block them and carry on.


19/04/2014 15:32:56: ‪Jodie‬: Omg


19/04/2014 15:33:00: ‪Jodie‬: I'm not sending hate


19/04/2014 15:33:11: ‪Jodie‬: I just wanted to know who it was.


19/04/2014 15:33:21: ‪Jodie‬: If you say it wasn't you then fine


19/04/2014 15:33:39: Dave: About time


19/04/2014 15:35:57: Jodie: It was found in London btw


19/04/2014 15:36:17: ‪Jodie‬: Convenient


19/04/2014 15:37:11: Dave: Are you serious, the biggest city in Europe filled with millions of people and you think it was me. Jeez


19/04/2014 15:37:47: ‪Jodie‬: No....I think it was you.


19/04/2014 15:37:53: Jodie‬: Because it was dave


19/04/2014 15:39:21: Dave: No Jodie it wasn't. This is ridiculous


19/04/2014 15:39:34: Jodie: But you say it wasn't so, I'll go with that but yes, it was funny


19/04/2014 15:40:04: Dave: .....ok


This was a month ago, more than anything im just interested to know what you lot think. I think this is interesting behavior some someone who now just enjoys giving me . I asked her to delete my number and she has completely ignored that, which just shows disrespect. Im sort of confused.


Is this a mind game>

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Why would you even bother replying to all that stuff? She is playing games I think. She dumped you and maybe regretted it, then when you said you don't want to get back together this probably annoyed her, she seems to want to have you in the background, it is all quite petty. Block her!

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yeah, id say that makes the most amount of sense. Its a very strange time when i look back at it for months everything was fine and then......it was over. I don't think ill every understand why, but when i get these messages it gives me a small window into her mind set.


Of course i can only interpret it to my understand, that's why i believe asking strangers would give me a greater understanding

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The whole whatsapp convo you guys had gives me the impression she just wanted to talk to you, and the only way of having a conversation with you is arguing, so there you go.


why an argument, why not just start with a classic like "hello" raises more questions then answers

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yeah, id say that makes the most amount of sense. Its a very strange time when i look back at it for months everything was fine and then......it was over. I don't think ill every understand why, but when i get these messages it gives me a small window into her mind set.


Of course i can only interpret it to my understand, that's why i believe asking strangers would give me a greater understanding


I get how you feel, I have recently been dumped and was never really given a proper, solid reason why. I think this slows down the healing process, you feel like you never got closure and that just keeps you wondering why.


Do you still have feelings for her? Would you go back to her if she wanted you to? If so then I don't think being intrigued by her actions or wondering what she will do next will help you get over this. She is dragging this out by her feeding you breadcrumbs, you replying to her (whether it is an argument or not) is just you picking up and following this path of breadcrumbs.

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I get how you feel, I have recently been dumped and was never really given a proper, solid reason why. I think this slows down the healing process, you feel like you never got closure and that just keeps you wondering why.


Do you still have feelings for her? Would you go back to her if she wanted you to? If so then I don't think being intrigued by her actions or wondering what she will do next will help you get over this. She is dragging this out by her feeding you breadcrumbs, you replying to her (whether it is an argument or not) is just you picking up and following this path of breadcrumbs.


I do have feelings for her but nothing overwhelming that would cloud my judgement, 4 years is a long time together, there is bound to be something. No i would not have her back, we have spent too much time apart and i see how she is from a far and how she has treated me because i didn't beg and its greatly annoyed me.


In my own opinion i just think she wants a little attention.

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