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Feeling like a child(age difference: 19/23)


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Hi! I would really like some honest opinions here, I'm desperate in finding a solution to my problem


So, I'm a 19 years old girl, going to a university of engineering. As you can imagine, girls are kind of rare there, I'm surrounded by a lot of guys. There were some guys who tried to flirt with me, or maybe some guys my age that kind of interested me, but everything was a fail (either they don't attract me at all, or I realize they are not as nice as they seemed at first). So one day, I've had an assignment at the university to program something (doesn't really matter to the story), but what I wanted to say is that, while we were doing it, there is always a professor in the room and an older student who volunteers to help us, younger students. And that's where I met him, a 23 year old student, 5th year of university. When I first saw him, I thought he looks really interesting.. not really my type but something was attractive on him. I was curious, so I called him to come and help me with something. He was really kind towards me, kind of acting like he is making fun of me, but he always smiled and I just got mesmerized by his appearance. When I've first met him, he found out my name and last name and asked me where I was from(my university is not in my hometown), do I have any problems at the university and stuff like that.. university is pretty hard so he tried to cheer me up and told me not to give up on it. I thought he's a really nice person, but I thought he's out my reach and I've just left without knowing anything about him. Few weeks have passed, and we had another assignment for the university and I've met him at the same place again. He recognized me and smiled. I've again, asked him for some help, he sat next to me and he almost did the whole assignment for me. I've just sat, casually talked with him, thought about his presence so close to me and I've had the urge to do something, but I didn't. When the professor came to me at the end and started to ask me questions about what I was doing at the assignment, the guy was still sitting next to me, listening what I was saying, and kind of chuckled because I was so afraid of the professor xD But when everything was over, I just turned to the guy and gave him the brightest smile I could pull, and he did the same. Yet again, I left the room, said goodbye and he waved, but I haven't even got the courage to ask his name. I have the urge to do something, I feel like this is my chance to get out of my shell and ask him out maybe... but what should I do? I want to stay in touch with him. maybe I'll see him once again, for the very last time and I really want to kind of show him that I'm interested, but it's hard to flirt in the classroom lol. My yet biggest problem is, I'm 19,he's 23, I feel like he only sees me as a cute little girl, not as a "woman" or something like that. I really don't know what to do, but I'll definitely regret if I don't do anything. Please help me with this, thanks!

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He might be a teaching assistant. In any event, the age gap is there, but it isn't all that big. I mean there's 23yo men dating 19yo women all the time. So I wouldn't worry about that part. My guess is he finds you incredibly cute. Now you don't know if he's in a relationship, and you don't even know his name. So you have a little work to do here, but I say go for it. I mean, ask him if he wants to go have some coffee with you or something. Then you'd have a chance to talk about yourselves and see if he would be a good person to date.


I understand it won't be easy, but look at it this way, the worst thing that could happen is he turns you down. But at least you would have tried. If you don't make a move, you'll have forfeited any potential you might have had to get to know him better by not acting. If he's at all in to you, your asking him to coffee will absolutely make his day.

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thanks for making me smile! ^^ yeah, he is a teaching assistant (just didn't got that phrase on my mind, English is not my native language :S) I'm kind of a shy girl towards a new people I don't really know, so this is soo scary.. but you're right, turning me down shouldn't be such an awful thing, I mean, I shouldn't take it so close to heart.

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