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Feeling sad.....

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I dont know why but lately i've been feeling down... I feel like i cant talk to any of my friends because they've gotton too superficial..I feel like I've lost the friends I used to know and that I cant relate to anyone anymore... I'm not depressed or anything but I just feel like I dont know who they are anymore...It seems all they talk about is themselves and all they care about is whats going on in their own lives. I used to be able to relate to one of my friends but she was sent to another school to make-up credits for classes and I dont get to see her much anymore. I'm the type of person who likes to listen to others and let people vent to me. I think that i'm a very good friend and alway listen, encourage and stay by my friends. I never talk bad about any of my friends, I'm very religious, and not too outgoing...I'm just not happy though...I feel like all high school people (not all but some) want to do is be in relationships and go drinking and have sex..I just feel like I cant relate to any of that and I need more to a person than those morals and I just cant seem to find a person who is like that....Most people think that i'm boring because I dont talk about or do things like that and i'd rather do other things to have fun...I guess I feel like i've become un-interesting to others because of the way I am and its caused me not to be in relationships with guys also because most of the guys at my school like the "party girl" type or the loud outgoing girls....What can I do to become a more interesting person and to make my friends listen to ME more?

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i'm sorry but i don't think you should change for your friends or anyone else. You are who you are and if they don't like it then they aren't your real friends. Maybe you should tell your friends that it doesn't seem like they are listening. Let them know how you feel. I think they will come around and realize they need to listen and not allways talk. Good luck

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hey hun! i dont kno if u can feel like you can "relate" to me or w/e cuz im only a freshman and i take it ur a senior...((i bow down to you)) hahah but newayz....i know exactly what your talking about! its exactly my problem too! even tho i am only in 9th grade...u may (or may not b) surprised at what the avarage freshman as done at my school....everything up to 3somes! yeah they drink a lot and do drugs too! ahhh peers suck dont they!? lol but i thank god that i still have 2 awsum friends that have the same morals that i do. I am also a very religeous person and so are they. I have found that if i stick with them..things are fine! try to find people like you...dont b scared to make new friends! ha...but i realize that its hard to find a boyfriend who doesnt want sex too! atleast it is for me...maybe u have a boyfriend..i dk but if thats the case...just b patient, some guy will find you and appriciate your morals and respect them..it will take some time but hang in the sweetie! things will get better! u can always send me a message or sumthin n we can talk anytime! luv ya lots...

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hah dand AbbAbb you must be from Tazewell Virginia! lol, yep same here.. what is this world coming to? But... cant say I haven't done a few things myself.... I guess everyone has, and everyone has changed... I can relate to you both, Everyone I talked to last year I feel weird aroudn this year and can barely talk to them. Im a freshman also (and I bow down with you) lol

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We have the same personality. But you are facing a difficult situation. Many of our personalities don't fit to the modern world. But we make our own new world.

Many of your friends are different from you that's why they don't know what you are facing. They were just selfish and don't care about the people around. They take advantage of your kindness and other good virtues. I remember true friends share their sadness moments of their lives but share too happy moments with you, which is considered you as a friend.

Let your friends know what you experience when your chatting with them and let them realize their faults if they are really your FRIENDS. But be careful of doing such. It might sway away in different goal. You might loose friends. Friends are not easy to find and replace.

Maybe you need to get new friends that will understand your thoughts. Make sure that this new friends are like you, having the same personality and lifestyle.

And I suggest you should be cool always.

-socially adjusted

-funny(having sense of humor)



All of this might help you adjust the world you are right now.

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it seems like most of the people here share your personality, i feel the same way as you (except not religious) i have the same trouble, i say

"bury yourself in something beautiful and wait till death doth take us" but thats because ive become synical about the world since it has both exceded my expectations and destroyed them.

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Hey my reply is a bit late, but I couldn't help but wonder if you are involved in a youth group? When I was 17, I was very religious as well and I found a lot of life-long friends in my youth group. I'm sure your church(?) or place of worship has a group for teenagers that you could get involved in.

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Time always changes things. Always. People grow up, people get tired of looking at the same face in the mirror. They can't help but try on new roles. Don't be too hard on your friends; they're probably just trying out new personalitites for college years ahead and haven't realize that they've strayed away from you. Depending on how long you've been friends, they still care about you and they don't want to hurt you. It would probably be a good idea to talk to them like you used to and see how they react.

As for being interesting...You really don't want to change for the world. It's not a pretty path to walk down, haha, believe me! Anywho, if you have ever talked to anyone and enjoyed a conversation, you're interesting. You don't need to do any drastic changes physically or mentally. Though if you feel lonely or down try something spontaneous, either with people or without. Do something you enjoy and forget about all the other superficial people in the world! Be yourself and someone will come along.

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