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Help Needed!!!


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Hi all. Sorry for the long post!


Ok just a few mins ago I decided I was sick of all this playing games and flirting with the girl i have a crush on. So I bit the bullet and asked her out to see a movie. I did it via the phone. This was a bad idea I worked out, as you can not see their body language. But hay, as I have been to lunch with her and done other things with her I made sure It was because I liked her, I asked if she wanted to come and see a movie with me, and that I did not know what to see just as long as its with you!


She said that she would love to but did not know when she would be able to cos of work(I know this to be true as I work with her) But told me a movie she would like to see but its only on in Melbourne (about an 1.5hours from where we live) so after work is no good.


Now she said she would get back to me about when we could go. So I guess my question is. Was this just an easy way to get out of going out with me as she can just not get back to me or latter keep not being able to set a time until I get the point. OR is it just cos she cant make a date this week, but still wants to go?


Thanks sooo much people

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i think she honestly just can't make it this week...and don't get offended if she can't make it next week either. christmas season is always a bit tough to start out dating.. if she hasn't replied to you within two weeks, simply ask her again...definitely don't push too hard, but push hard enough to seem interested. ie don't call 10x a day for the next week trying to push her into it, but don't not talk to her and be awkward either. does that make sense? you said you work with her right? so maybe the movie REALLY is just inconvenient after work, but a coffee or something isn't...not to mention, i've never really understood the movie date thing. it's a date, but since you don't really get to talk for 2 hrs, it's not like you learn anything about the person...so, ask for a quick coffee. it's not really a "date" and doesnt' take much time or planning..

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Hiya! I can understand ur situation... I also bit the bullet and asked out the guy I liked (I am so shy but got sick of waiting around..).. he responded by asking me "were you volunteering tonight?" eventhough I'd already said I wasn't..when i replied he never replied again. It's hard when u get a kinda inbetween answer - because it still keeps u guessing. There is a chance that she's not interested, but I also agree with the rpevious poster, xmas time is VERY busy.. suggest meeting for coffee/drink next week if she still hasnt got back to you, or if a convenient moment arises in thenext week!


Good luck!


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No! Do not lose hope. She gave you the name of a movie she'd like to see. Get her to that movie! When a girl/woman *specifically* says she wants to do something, and you don't go along with this *idea*, it can be a deal breaker at the right time (beginning, or trouble spot) in the relationship. So, if you are interested, try to work it out. The time to worry is when she's never available for *any kind of contact*. So, my say is try to get her to the movie with you and just see what happens. She may or may not realize you have a crush on her.

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thanks for the help. I guess your right about xmas being a very busy time. so if she does not get back to me in like a weeks time should I just sort of say something about going to THE movie and when she thinks might be a good time. I will be seeing her 5 days a week, but will not really mention the movie, just act as I usually do(this does mean talking to her and being friendly) so should be fine. RIGHT?

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No! Do not lose hope. She gave you the name of a movie she'd like to see. Get her to that movie! When a girl/woman *specifically* says she wants to do something, and you don't go along with this *idea*, it can be a deal breaker at the right time (beginning, or trouble spot) in the relationship.



this is really good.. I say.. do not lose hope.. I am in a situation right now where everybody keeps telling me do not lose hope.. so I guess it's safe that I tell it to you too... if you havn't heard a no..don't give up.. I want to hera a no from a girl it's sad but atlease it asure you. I jut wanna yeah a no from this girl that I like.. and all I get is ..smiles and hand shake... so I am gonna give it another shot tomorrow... but in yor case it's pretty much done I think.. she mentioned the name of the movie so... take her to that.


good luck.. tell us how it went

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No! Do not lose hope. She gave you the name of a movie she'd like to see. Get her to that movie! When a girl/woman *specifically* says she wants to do something, and you don't go along with this *idea*, it can be a deal breaker at the right time (beginning, or trouble spot) in the relationship.


. if you havn't heard a no..don't give up.. I want to hera a no from a girl


Actually I would not go that far. I don't think it's ever a good idea to literally show up and *demand* an answer. Sometimes dates say no in kind ways, they don't call, they don't seem interested. I think you have to listen to that! But in the situation I posted in response to, I think there was plenty of reason to think that this girl might be interested in being friends, and that is where it ALL begins....

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lol, wouldn'd it be great if just once a girl would give a straight answer, like sorry but No thanks.


So next week sometime if she has not got back to me with a day, should I just ask her when she has work off and if she still wants to see THE movie with me. I am lost, I am not very good at this sort of thing. For one I am shy, but not soo much around her, but I am still not good at asking her out.

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