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so i f uped big time help asap

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So me and my gf just broke up a few minutes ago. i need help to know how to get her back

we broke up b/c i said that she lied to me when i really didnt think she did. so i dunno what to do im leaving tom and i need to c her b4 i go

so send me back to tell me what too do

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Well your not going to win her back within a few hours or minutes of a break up, this isn't a hollywood movie. The biggest problem you face with her rigth now is you let her know that you didn't trust her (by saying she was lying), even though you knew you were wrong. You can try to apolagize to her, but just because you do it doesn't mean shes going to come running back to you. She's going to need some space and time to figure out what she wants from you, and she needs you to prove to her that you can/will trust her in the future. Sorry to hear that happened, but it was bound to happen if you couldn't trust her.

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