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Is This Normal??? for guys and gals :)

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Hi i have just on question:


I am really interested in this guy, actually i have never felt this way about anyone before, and He is very interested in me as well...however niether of us has expressed our feelings to eachother yet, verbally that is, we have expressed it in our actions, like cuddling, holding hands, and what not...but what is odd becuase when we are in eachothers company, we do not have much to say to eachother, we DO have things in common, becuase we talk online and our conversations are deep and meaningful and have depth.

But when we are in eachothers company I feel that there is tension because of our feelings for eachother, and niether of us know what the other is feeling, so we do not know what to say to eachother, we can not go further until we express our feelings, and i am certaintly not going to do it first, becuase i do not want to come on too strong, but has anyone ever experienced this weird tension before??? before they expressed their feelings to one another?

i am just trying to figure out if this is normal.

thanks so much

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me and a girl were in that situation 2 years ago. we both liked each other but we wouldn't tell each other how we felt because it seemed awkward, or there was never a good oportunity, or we were both scared of what the other person might say, or we were both too shy. well anyways, after a while some guy asked out the girl that i liked, and she said yes i guess because she figured that i would never ask her out. right now they are still going out and me and the girl are best friends, but thats not the relationship i want to be in with her.


i guess the point is, is that if the guy isn't saying anything hes probably scared to say something. i think you should just say something because he probably won't, and nothing will progress. he won't think that your coming in too strong, he'll be happy that you were the one that said something, and that awkward stage is over.


about that being normal. that is really common. i was in that situation, and i have a friend that is in that situation now as well.

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