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Hey, everyone. So I had a couple relationship question for y'all because my only experience is very out of the ordinary. So my experience- just got out of my first relationship (13 months), I am 19 and in college, the weird thing about my experience is that she chased me and we didn't have an actual "date" until 2 months into being together (I know its weird). So I talk to girls no problem and everything but I was confused about the difference between going out (me asking to get coffee together or go to lunch) and dating. Do girls just pick up on dating or do they get the wrong impression and think you're just being nice and whatnot. I also wonder how you talk to them about exclusiveness and titles (BF/GF) and stuff like that. Main thing though- whats the difference between hanging out and dating? I don't have confidence issues I just need to know how to continue on once we're hanging out together frequently.


Thanks in advance

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If you are at the point where you are thinking about exclusivity... talk to them about it. Feel them out. The person you're thinking about having a relationship with is the best suited to tell you if it's going anywhere for them. The best way to figure that out is to talk about it.


What's the difference between hanging out and dating to you? That's what matters.

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