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Is moving out a good idea? Last year of college.

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I'm a rising senior and would want to move out for the remainder of my college years (two semesters). I'm currently commuting from home.


Why do I want to move out?

- I live ~25 miles away from school, it's about a 1 hr commute w/ traffic, 30-40 without.

- With the commute, I waste A LOT of time and gas.

- I also work around my school's area and if I get a new job, it would be around this area because the area around my school has the best paying jobs. Takes me about 30 minutes to drive to work, 45 with traffic.

- It is SUCH a hassle when I forget something at home, or I am sleepy and want to take a nap before work when I have a 2 hour gap. However, a 2 hour gap is TOO SHORT for me to drive home just to nap.

- I'm in a sorority and officer in 2 clubs and most events are held on the east side of town (in the area of my school). With that said, it sucks having to drive 30+ minutes accross town just for a meeting.

- I also have events/meetings around school area on weekends so I am pretty much in this area 7/7 days of the week.

- I can never catch a ride with someone because I live too far from most people/most events. I always have to drive. Always.

- Truth be told, I only go home to sleep and shower anyway. Otherwise I am out at school, work, internship, meetings, etc. and again, it is SUCH a hassle to have to drive home so I always need to pack "my clothes for the day" and my makeup. I live out of my car practically.


Why I don't:

- Money.

- Parents believe it's better to save now and buy a house later than to rent an apartment.


Obviously there's more pros than cons, but initially I would be paying $300-350/month for just rent alone. Right now I have about $9k saved up in my bank and roughly make about $500/month with my paid internship and job. I have the potential to find an even better paying job but don't plan to until after summer. If I did move out, I wouldn't until after summer anyway so I could work all summer and save up even more.


I am expecting to pay, at the most, $1k for college next semester. I've applied for a ton of scholarships and given that I get at least 2, I would have my whole tuition covered.


My parents are very caring and giving and would be willing to help me out financially if I give them a good reason. However, they seem really strong on wanting me to stay at home until I can /buy/ a house. My argument is that I might not even be in this city after graduation.


I was wondering if 1) my reasons for moving out are valid, and 2) if there is any way to convince my parents in letting me move out? Or 3) would it be better to suffer for a few more years so I can buy a home?

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Buying a home before you have a career is not wise. What happens if you get a job opportunity in another state? Buying a home is not the first step after college. Getting a job is...starting a career. Aim for a home by age 30....beforehand be flexible enough to move if you need to.


I think this is more about you staying at home with them.

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mhowe, you make a good point. I am an only child so I am sure my parents want me to stay home for as long as I can. They treat me as if I am still 10 years old.


Would moving out now be a good idea at all? I can argue that I probably wont be buying a house after graduation since my career field can take me anywhere, but I think they would argue that I could save tons of money by not moving out and use that for better things.

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I think that you would learn to be independent by moving to your college town and getting g an apartment or living at the sorority. If they treat you like you are 10....then I think you should move. An apartment, especially if you share it, will not be that expensive. Certainly not in the big scheme of saving for a house. Honestly...their excuse is pretty flimsy.


I say...show them all the positives ...and do it. If, after a year, you don't like it...move back home.

But...you are going to like it!

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Money isnt exactly a problem but I would be dipping into the $9k I have saved up at some point I would assume. With about $500 per month, $300-350 for rent, that only leaves me about $150 for groceries and gas. I would probably be living very tightly and on paycheck by paycheck. I save a lot of money on gas by moving out and closer to my college, so it might balance out.


Also, being an only child, I definitely cant move out without my parents permission. They still have control over my car insurance bill. I would need to discuss moving out with them as if I did move out, I definitely could not afford to pay car insurance + phone bill without dipping into my savings each month.


Does my argument for wanting to move out sound convincing? Like I said, my parents have the money to support me completely if they wanted to (like completely pay for my rent and everything). They make good money. Its the idea of me being independent, they might not want to pay for my insurance or anything unless my argument sounds valid.

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I established my CREDIT through paying rent and utilities during college. I would not have been approved to purchase my dream car if it wanst for paying apartment rent and utilities. You cannot purchase a car or be approved for a home mortgage without credit- you would have to rely on your parents to cosign. It sounds like they are trying to control you financially.


Something to think about. A house would be great if you get employment right after college... but the housing market says otherwise about how frequently people are being laid off and can't find work. And its a lot tougher for college graduates to find work.


If you don't have credit established, I vote you get a student apartment. Apply for student loans to help you pay for it.

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