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To Hell With Love And To Hell With Soulmates!

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Um let's not bring God into this. Especially since a lot of us don't believe in God or question his existence in the first place.


I'm allowed to say what I want to say and this apply to the topic. You got a better explanation? I'm all for it. Sharing beliefs is fine as long as you dont put down someone else's. If you dont like what I'm saying, ignore it.


Better explanation for what?


For life without God, I mean

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I wouldn't mind sharing my thoughts on that matter but that would be going way off-topic.


But in an attempt to get back more on topic...


Let's be realistic. The reason he hasn't found a soulmate or anyone is because he isn't approaching girls. It isn't because he doesn't believe in God or something like that. He's simply not playing the game right. You have to go out there and approach or you will never have a shot at getting a date. The evidence is sitting right in front of us. He tells us he's rarely approached women in his life because of his shyness. thereforeeee, he has had rarely any experience with the opposite sex. Kyoshiro, it's time you face your fears. Are you really willing to let these fears consume you forever?

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That wasnt what I was saying! I'm saying that because of God, you dont need to have a soulmate to be complete.


Since you cant share more of your thoughts on this "matter" could you PM so we can talk about it? Not to judge you or try to prove myself right. I like discussing things. I want to learn. It's good for me to see both sides



I wouldn't mind sharing my thoughts on that matter but that would be going way off-topic.


But in an attempt to get back more on topic...


Let's be realistic. The reason he hasn't found a soulmate or anyone is because he isn't approaching girls. It isn't because he doesn't believe in God or something like that. He's simply not playing the game right. You have to go out there and approach or you will never have a shot at getting a date. The evidence is sitting right in front of us. He tells us he's rarely approached women in his life because of his shyness. thereforeeee, he has had rarely any experience with the opposite sex. Kyoshiro, it's time you face your fears. Are you really willing to let these fears consume you forever?

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No thanks I've had enough of three hour long pointless religious debates that go nowhere.


I wouldnt really call that debating.


Anyhoo, that's fine. No need to get bitter over things I believe. I'm not trying to press, just getting you to understand my point. The only reason I reply is because you give me a reason to feel like you're... uh... how shall I say?




When you open the door, you cant slam it just because someone walks thru.


What is it that you people want from me??? (sarah starts twitching until she goes into a complete spasm and falls on the floor) lol

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No thanks I've had enough of three hour long pointless religious debates that go nowhere.


I wouldnt really call that debating.


Anyhoo, that's fine. No need to get bitter over things I believe. I'm not trying to press, just getting you to understand my point. The only reason I reply is because you give me a reason to feel like you're... uh... how shall I say?




When you open the door, you cant slam it just because someone walks thru.


What is it that you people want from me??? (sarah starts twitching until she goes into a complete spasm and falls on the floor) lol


I'm not being bitter. Just being realistic about it. When an athiest/agnostic argues with a devout Christian (because we all know that as soon as I PM you about it you will defend yourself and then I will defend what you said back, etc.), the argument leads nowhere. I've done this many times now.

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NO, this type of argument is when you keep putting words into my mouth and then me having to re-explain what I already said. This is why it's going in circles and to be honest, your way of argueing is pretty childlike.


I'm not trying to argue. I posted this as an opening for discusion and you opened that door further by replying

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NO, this type of argument is when you keep putting words into my mouth and then me having to re-explain what I already said. This is why it's going in circles and to be honest, your way of argueing is pretty childlike.


I'm not trying to argue. I posted this as an opening for discusion and you opened that door further by replying


Allow me to re-explain too: I'm not interested in arguing about it in the first place in this thread.

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Here is what is going on


I stated many times over that it does not matter to me if you believe or dont believe in God because like you I believe you can still be happy whether or not you do. The difference is is that I believe we experience God or have the ability to nomatter what. Because of this, I feel no need to try and convince you there is a God.


Here is what you are doing:

You have been stating over and over again that I am trying to make you believe in God when merely all I have been doing is saying what I just did above.


This is not an athiest/spiritual debate. This is me trying to get you to hear what I'm saying because you seem to chose not to listen.


So are we done now?


by the way, I'm not a Christian- dont make assumptions


Look, I am all for discussing beliefs and exchanging but that is not what we are doing. You're putting words into my mouth, and yes when it comes to that, I will get defensive.

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ok this thread has been hijacked. lets get back on track. ko i doubt you are as ugly as you claim to be. maybe this has to do with the type of women you are attracted to. please dont give up. your post is heartbreaking, yet i think you are walllowing in self pity a bit. maybe you should approach women who are more your league and i dont mean to offend you by saying that. maybe you should lower your expectations a bit as well. there are many women out there who don't fit that general mold of what is considered attractive, but once you get to know them.........who knows what could happen.

there is somebody out there for everybody! just look around you, not in clubs or in magazines, just on the street. havent you seen many people who aint that great looking ok butt ugly and obese holding hands and kissing someone. they found someone so can you!!!!!!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Think of all the people out there who are divorced and thought at one point they were with ther soulmate or the "one". There is no such thing as soulmates or the one, there is hundreds of people out there that you could make a relationship work with. If there is a will ther is a way.

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