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Beyond Casual Dating

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hey there; I'm in a similar situation and I suppose it requires some extra patience.


How long have you guys been casually dating?

You might want to try planning an especially romantic and well thought-out date in the near future. Or just get together and do something completely different than what the two of you have done before.. just make sure it's fun.


Keep us posted on how it goes. (I'd sure be interested in getting some ideas too!)

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Semantics.. it's so fun!


I can't bring myself to call her my girlfriend yet... although we have gone out on dates 1-2 times a week for the past 2 and a half months. We just tell other people that we're "seeing" each other. The vaguest of vague terms. It sounds non-committal too, but it's not (at not for me!).


I suppose the labelling of things is far less important than what is happening in the reality of your situation.


69_king: i don't think there is any average of how often couple go on dates when they first meet. I shy away from going out more than 2x a week, but it all depends.

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My girlfriend would probably be a little embarrassed to hear my call her that, she's quite shy, but I'm sure that underneath she would like it.


Anyway, she's a girl and she's my friend, so "girl-friend", what other term is there to use??


Also, it just feels good to say "my girlfriend" as I haven't been able to say that in a long time

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