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Do women stare into the eyes of a man if she likes him???


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(I tend not to do this) They say if a man likes a woman they will stare into a woman's eyes for 3-5 seconds and look away. If she likes him her pupis get bigger etc.


Is this rule the same for women who like men? Do they stare and look away??


Just curious to know,


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Extended eye contact is a good sign of attraction, but one occurrence should not be taken as a sure sign. You should look for other signs too. If you are wondering if someone wants you, look for a few signs together in a cluster and look for multiple clusters.

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I've read all the mad advice about this staring thing and all the carry-on about if she likes you she will sit like this or stand like this....etc.


I was having a good laugh to myself last night when I was in the pub talking to this girl and basically she was looking right through me!!

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You could do a search and find stuff and body language, but there are a number of different signs a woman could give. She can mirror your posture, play with her hair, preen, flash you her palms, touching you, etc. If she does two or three at the same time or close together, that's a cluster. If you see two or three clusters, she is into you.

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Just reading your replys guys thanks!!

You know, all (or most of) this advice on the net and in online books about this staring thing and looking for body language clues, playing with hair, sitting / standing in a certain way, seems to be coming from North America.


I'm just wondering if those rules apply here in the UK. When I (and my friends) really think about it, the UK has alot of regional cultures, eg. Scottish girls on the town are different from English. By that I mean there are different levels of tollerance in the flirting dept here.


As I was saying, I'm just curious in this field.

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From what I have seen, including dealings with European women, American and Northern European women use very similar body langauge. I've dated, or seen women from a number of European countries. You shoudl study the body langauge of the women in your area. When at a party, bar, school wherever, look for the men and women exchanging signals. Watch for it in movies and on TV too.

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Yep yep...staring is a good sign...as long as it's not creepy staring though. The thing you have to look for in conjunction with this is either smiling (you'll know if it's polite or something more) or going red.


I also think body language is pretty universal. There are a few things that are interpreted differently, but between America and in the UK it should be basically the same. That's my opinion anyway. Smiling is friendly...staring and smiling...good sign.



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He he! Thanks for those thoughts Betty Staring is quite creepy I think anyway. Its partly why I don't do it and also because its not in the culture of where I live!!! He he!! (If I get away with it I do).


I know what you mean though, staring and smiling is a good sign, ie. attraction sign.

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i never understood women. i had women stare at me or give me these glances right she was in a lot of my courses and she do this in class at times, but not one time did she ever come up and talk to me or even say Hello.

just tellin u guys hey just b/c a gal stares and looks and glacnes at u doesn't mean shes into u, -could be they way i dressed-kinda cheap looking-old navy, wal mart stuff, hair sometimes messy-but changing, quiet and shy person -never talk to anybody-maybe she thinks i somekind of loner or antisocial person. these factors may make her look at u so can have somebody to look down upon-if she lack self esteem.

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i never understood women. i had women stare at me or give me these glances right she was in a lot of my courses and she do this in class at times, but not one time did she ever come up and talk to me or even say Hello.

just tellin u guys hey just b/c a gal stares and looks and glacnes at u doesn't mean shes into u, -could be they way i dressed-kinda cheap looking-old navy, wal mart stuff, hair sometimes messy-but changing, quiet and shy person -never talk to anybody-maybe she thinks i somekind of loner or antisocial person. these factors may make her look at u so can have somebody to look down upon-if she lack self esteem.


Why wait for her to say hi? Why not do it yourself? Maybe she was into you?

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I understand what you mean Betty,

I pitch a level with different people, like I may be funny/cheeky (ie. testing the water) if you know what I mean.


Sometimes though, dont get me wrong, I've been funny/cheeky and basically jumped in the pool with all my clothes on (ie. I took it too far!!)


I give girls a wee test, and I just see what happens, I can get confused at their reactions too



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Hey bobster!


Hope things are going well for ya..I got your pm btw, thanks =) You know what I think about all of this (attraction & flirting stuff)..ultimately I think it just comes down to your personal judgement; your gut instinct, your feeling about your relationship with a person. For some people it may be difficult to guage..but I usually have a feeling about the dynamic between me & another person (perhaps because I'm a really good listener so I'm more sensitive to this stuff..I'm not such an extrovert) and I think I'm just going to listen to that, even if the signals are a bit contrary. There really are no rules in this. Someone may be giving you prolonged eye contact, but they may just be a flirtatious person & not mean anything by it, or they may just be flirting for fun. One of the reasons why people flirt is just for fun, not to start a relationship. So you just have to be wary of that..I went out with 2 of my guy friends from a student club at a campus pub last Friday, and we talked and just had fun..there was no sexual tension, both of them had girlfriends, I wasn't really attracted to them although one of the guys I could see myself possibly dating, we had a lot in common, etc. but I think it's very possible to be professional or just friends with people, perhaps be a little charismatic & flirtatious and not mean anything by it. And as long as both of you are mature & understand it's just friendly, then that's fine..


That's just my take on it. I understand some 14-yr-olds come on here confused about people's intent when flirting, and that's natural to be questioning things, I was like that too even at this age sometimes, but I think as we mature & meet more people, and have many different types of relationships with people we see that some things aren't so clear and you just have to use your best judgement, which develops as you get older. Like I've gone out for drinks with professors and some might automatically say professor-student relationships or something, but there was nothing there, we just had a coffee & discussed school & future goals, etc., he talked about his family and so forth..I'm not sure if it's this sex-driven society that automatically assumes girls & guys can't be friends, and anything social must be more, but I think it's possible, and people should just be sensitive to the signals people are giving off and use their best judgement.


With that said, I don't think I'm going to post on here anymore..I've learned a lot from reading some of the articles, etc. but when it comes down to it I'm just going to use my best sense & maturity as the best indicator for making decisions. =)


Thanks, good luck..



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Ya i agree with that comment of when girls or guys will look at you for 3-5 seconds with that certain look they are interested.This happens rarely for me but it happens.What usually happens with me lol is they will look at me then look away really fast so i know what they truly think of me that im the ugly man o well its all in good fun doesnt matter.But ya just look for those signs and hopefully many girls are doing it to you!

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QUOTE: "What about a woman looking into your eyes when she's talking to you. But when I'm talking to her, she looks at you for a moment then turned away for a moment and look back at you. What does that mean??"



From that I would take it that she is more interested in herself than you. But, if this is different people you are talking about, if you talk to her and she looks away for any length of time then she really cant be bothered however if she only averts her eyes or looks away briefly, then this could signify shyness??

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It's human nature to turn away for a little when you're looking at something. Especially if you're staring at something. Just remember...looking back is an option that not everyone chooses. hehehe.


Clusters?? Hmmm...do you mean like staring and smiling = good?


Like maybe...teasing + smiling + touching = better?





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