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how can i get a guy 2 to really like me, i want to be his grilfriend what do i do? how can i get him to like me.(he knows that i like him a lot but he just says lets just be friend) could it be he;s not ready to be serouis or he not intrest in me .. i've know him for a 1year...


should i give him a christmas gift. to were may be he could be my boyfriend what should i give him..

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There's nothing much u can do if he doesnt show interest in you. Though for teens u can make him notice u , and show him your good qualities.


Just dont make yourself too available to him or look too easy for him to be one of his options. Try making him feel special and make yourself look special.

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Well, I think one of the issues you need to deal with is him knowing how much you like him. We go for people who are aloof and independent, not those who are needy, clingy or ready to fall at our feet. See if you might be able to sow some seeds of doubt in this regard.


Second, the other thing that makes us go for people is how they make us feel. If you make him feel special, then he will want more of it. Different thigns make different people feel special. We have different emotional needs. If you watch and see what works for him, then you make figure it out. His body language should reveal some stuff. The ebst thing you can do, listen and do it with your whole body. Make eye contact whiel he speaks and keep it until just after he finishes.


I would not get him a present.

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i dont think that is the best way to go about it, w/ the gift in all. just be hes friend. hell show interest in the furture, when he thinks that your still like him. well just read my, forums. just found out that this kid that i like has a girl which hes the 4th guy that i was interest in this year. well jsut keep on looking.

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i dont think that is the best way to go about it, w/ the gift in all. just be hes friend. hell show interest in the furture, when he thinks that your still like him. well just read my, forums. just found out that this kid that i like has a girl which hes the 4th guy that i was interest in this year. well jsut keep on looking.
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