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Resume with formatting error

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I'm a freelance writer and last night I sent a resume to a new site I want to work for. I thought it looked fine last night, but I was a bit sleepy, especially due to a cold. This morning I opened the PDF version and the "S" on one heading is a bit above the other letters. It looks fine in the Word document, but it turns out it was because the S was in a font 0.5 smaller than the rest of the letters (I was using a template and changed "Communications" to "Publications," keeping the S, so I guess I accidentally started using a larger font to write "Publication.")


Anyway, is this a huge deal? I really want to work for this site but if I admit I made a formatting error and send another resume, and they hadn't even noticed the error in the first place, I might shoot myself in the foot. The "S" is only a couple of centimetres above so I'm hoping they just think that happened because I converted the file to PDF. A career site suggested sending another resume in about a week and calling it an updated one, but if nothing else is changed the company might think that's weird.


I might be just stressing out over nothing lol but I'm not feeling well today..

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I would just leave it, if you do send two, they will only look at one.


If it's VERY obvious but everything looks professional, maybe it's OK. If your resume shines I think they will overlook it, I know I have taken people with crappy resume formats, but their position didn't require them to be good at resume making.


I understand your feeling though, it's not PERFECT so the mind focuses on that...in the end if you're great, the S will not be the deciding factor...trust me!


Good luck!!

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The "S" is only a couple of centimetres above so I'm hoping they just think that happened because I converted the file to PDF.


Weird stuff happens to letter spacing from time to time when converting into PDF.


You should be fine, as log as it's off by millimeters, and not centimeters.

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