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3 weeks passed and im feeling worse...

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3 weeks have passed since i've last heard/saw her. In the beginning i felt bad, but at the same time angry at her for the reasons she wanted to break up. And the angry part made me pass it better. That and the fact that i had lots of ppl to talk about it.

Now, 3 weeks later, im starting to feel really bad... No seeing her, not talking to her (last summer when we meet, we used to talk all nights until 6 in the morning over msn) and now i miss that... She refuses to talk back to me or see me (cause of the way we ended... another long history). Ive send her some mails, some sms, some music lyrics but she doesnt react. Maybe im wasting my time and sanity over this? I just wanted to know if she was doing fine, cause i don't think i will ever get her back... Or is it smarter to just let it go and move on? Im really trying to move on, but because of her i change to a new city and i don't know much ppl here. So im kinda lonely...

All ppl say to me to let it go, she isn't worth it, but it's just too hard to me... And we were together only 3 and half month and she marked me alot...

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You are going through the normal stages of a relationship break up...anger, grief, acceptance, recovery. Don't fight it, you need to go through these stages in order to become "healthy" again. Sounds like you are in the grief stage....undoubtedly the hardest. Good luck.

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you are wasting your time and sanity over this especially if she doesnt want to talk to you. at this point there is nothing more you can do. you say you just want to see how she is doing but since you are not over her this is not true. i find it more likely that you want to see if she is sad, if she misses you or if she is seeing someone else by now, or maybe you just want to hear her voice, but you dont want to just see how she's doing. its not that easy, at least not yet. the sooner you accept that there is nothing you can do about this, the sooner you will get over her. take this opportunity of starting a new chapter in your life (now that you moved to a new place). take up every new opportunity you get. join a class, go to a local hangout, just get out there! the more you get out, the more people you will meet ( ive never made a new friend by sitting at home watching tv) i know its hard! stop giving her all your attention, she might be getting off on how much control she has over you and dont give her that satisfaction. find something else to focus your attention on and take it one day at a time. its all any of us can do.

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Mine is at the 2 week point now. The last time he called was 4 days ago.

I don't think I'm feeling much better. As a matter of fact, last night was the worst night ever. I feel like if I got through last night, I can get through anything.


The actuality is, they may call, they may not. They may come back, they may not. The only options are to let it drive us crazy and wreck our lives or try to pick up the pieces, salvage what little self-respect we have left and go on.


Remember the saying, "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger"

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And most certainly she is doing better than me, cause else she would contact me. I still wonder myself if she is back to her ex. And some ppl say she only hanged with me to try to forget him. A situation that never happened, cause her ex's were always a matter of talking and comparing sometimes, even she said she wasnt...

Well im gonna try to save the little self-respect i have left and move on.

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Buddy.. just remmember.. "SPACE IS THE BEST PHASE" .. she will come back..just be normal I know its hard but in order to win the game you have to ..be kooll.. try to change your dressing and go gym.. Girls normally plays that type of games.. but dont worry your turn will come..


I am also in that phase not with g/f.. she is my Fiancee .. and been with her 3 years but same old stupid girls saying.. "I Need a time" .. but its been 2 weeks .. I laugh on my self that why I get mad ..


dude dont worry take it EASY... and you will winn.. try to think from your brain not from your heart..

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No dude, i dont think she will come back. Eventually speaking yes, but being together, hardly...

You see, when we broke up, i acted almost like an stupid ass... Really did some bad stuff, cause i was really angry over her. We were living together even after the break up for 3 days, and it was a living hell for both. Specially for her. And in the last day i did a thing that although it wasn't that bad, she got really upset and we had one final fight and she left home, saying she wouldn't want to see me again. One day later i might talk back with her, but i being together is already an impossible dream.

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Well slowly starting to put my feets back on the ground and starting to straight up. Today again, another fase of grief and sorrow mixed with a bit of angry. Still fighting the urge to send her some mail or music lyrics. Actually listen to two songs that would be really appropriate to send, but im not going through that path again. I'll fight the urge to contact her. She knows how to reach me or how to contact me, if she wants... But then again, i don't know if i really want to talk to her, to have her just as friend... I'll survive, as the song says

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