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Ups and downs

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Today i woke up feeling sad and missing my ex. I have been having dreams about him and it seems to make things worse. But i am trying to remain strong. My ex told me yesterday that he thinks i need space and time to get over hit from my past and that i need time away from him too. He told me that he thinks Im an amazing girl and is glad he met me but doesn't want to give me any false hope..Im assuming meaning no false hope on a future together. It hurts cause i care for him so much and Im hoping for another chance but i cannot do this to myself. I need to stop this obsessive like behavior and focus on healing myself and building my future for myself. Me and him are both 23 and are trying to bet independent and chase after our wants in life. I hope our paths cross again. But for now i need to give on and concentrate on myself.


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I am familiar with the 'dreams about the ex'. In my experience the harder I try to suppress my feelings during the daytime, the more I dream of her. I am now telling myself it's okay to think about her, it's ok to feel sad and angry, but you can only feel like that for a minute and then you have to get back to what you were doing. so I acknowledge the pain I'm feeling but make sure I'm not too much wallowing in it. So maybe you should try that too.

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you aren't alone...anyone who was ever truly invested in a relationship that ended, always looks back. Dreams are normal because the thought of that person is occupying your mind. Now, here's the thing...if you allow this breakup to break you then the relationship was a waste. You are letting the fear of change overshadow your growth. See it as a growing opportunity. what worked? what didn't work? what will you change the next tome around? it's all mental...all a break up is, is a change in routine and the fact that the person you are so used to is now gone. Fill that empty space with productive thoughts. Find a new routine and stick with it. Try online dating...I did that when I broke up with my fiancee of 5 years and it really made me learn a lot about myself. plus I met my bow current boyfriend who made me realize how much of a loser my fiancee was. Bottom line, it's ok to feel the way u do, but please learn from it. that's what life's all about. learn and grow. life is too short.


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