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How do u talk to a shy, not-a-real-conversationalist girl?


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There's this girl I like in a few of my classes. She has given me signs that she could be interested, but she doesn't talk a lot. To a lot of people.


You see, we talk allright, but she isn't the greatest talker and in most cases, other people go up to her. At first I thought it was just me but it's not. My friends in some of her other classes tell me she doesn't really talk a lot at all except to her girlfriends in the hallways. For example, she doesn't really talk to a lot of people in one of the classes I'm in with her, but I know a bunch of people and we talk (I sit on the other side of the class from her). In the other class I'm in with her, I talk to her more since we sit next to each other, but when I'm talking to my really good friend next to me (on the other side of me), she isn't tallking to anyone else. I try to get her to talk and it's been working 50/50. I'm trying to get her to loosen up. She's cool, but it is only really shown when she starts talking.


She is decently smart in the classroom, but she may be a bit of a "dumb blonde". What is the best way to approach a person like this w/o getting too annoying (like breaking the ice)? I use wit sometimes, but if she starts the convo, I'm a little limited. Thanks.

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lol, yeah you could do that. Or you could also see what shes doing. Observe closely, and pop up a conversation out of it if you havent tried that already (ex. *girl is working on a project *you walk up and ask what shes doing, if she need anything, etc. and go off from there). Good luck with her 8) .

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How about if we're just chillin; in class for w/e reason b/c there is a lot of down time?


In one class of mine that I have with her this is possible (I sit right next to her) and I want to know what to do so it sails smoothly. Remember, she's not great at conversations and I'll probably start it.

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