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I broke 2 months of NC by sending my ex gf a birthday card, and she LOVED it, because I had spent so much time in finding a very funny card that ment a lot to her. We hung out a couple of times, we went cycling together and would talk for hours. Anyway , she asked me to a movie and I told her i would love to go to a movie with her. . We agreed to meet at 6, at 5 she sends me an email asking me if I stiil wanted to go , if not she would not be offended.I went and we had a good time.


Why would she say something like that ? I told her I wanted to go.She has done similar things before too.

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It is easy to believe that one's ex does not have similar insecurities, but often they do.


She probably wanted to get a guage on how excited you were to go to the movies with her. She wanted to know whether you really wanted to go to the movies or were you just being nice. It sounds like she is enjoying your company and has her own fears of rejection.


Keep doing what you are doing. Sounds like things are going great.

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as in.. she's using you. what you both want is not equal. She's using you as a buffer... when she feels strong enough, she's gone again. It doesn't sound like that's what you want. So... what do you do? I think boogie. Get out. I believe it's a very bad idea to go into relationships half -buttocks (dang... can't use the proper word).


bail, leave. There is nothing better than absolute no contact. If she wants you back, she'll let you know (and don't think that's what she's going to do)... it's a bad thought, better think she is gone.


do what's best for you. half a relationship working? Nope? bye-bye. It's posted a million times on these forums, but you have to do what is best for you. You gots to figures that out on yer own.


good luck


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Im torn torn torn. On the one hand, I would tend to agree with TonkaTruck because you were the one who contacted her first. Had she contacted you, I would have been more likely to think that she was just having insecurities. As it is, I would have to say I think she's just trying to make it clear that right now she sees you as friends and doesn't want to give you the wrong idea. Probably not what you would want to hear, but it is leaning that way. Good luck.

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