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Hey all, I'm very new to this website (just starting today) I've been going through a lot in my relationship with my girlfriend. I love her so much and that was the problem. I felt as if the more I loved her, the more she tried to hold me away. I'm still a teenager but I've been in several relationships before however I've never felt as strongly as I've felt with her. Yesterday, she broke my heart. She told me she didn't love me the way she use to and how she's been thinking about breaking up with me for a while however, never had the courage to tell me. I know there is so much I can change about myself, but everything is easier said than done. She lives in Washington State while I live in New York City, distance separates us however, we try to talk on the phone and video chat as much as we can. A few days ago, three to be exact, I was videochatting my sweetheart and everything was fine; more than fine. Things were amazing. She kept complementing how cute I was and how I made her blush. The next day was when she broke the ice to me. It hurt me a lot and I went to bed with a heavy heart. I talked to her today again, she said we could still be friends but that's not enough for me. Of course I would not say that to her, I accepted her offer and things seem okay. We're still talking and all, not really THAT awkward perse however, I just want her back. I've been holding so much in. Tonight, a few hours ago I sang her a little song and played the piano as well. Afterwards, I read her some of the things I wrote about her. She sounded like a babbling brook, she was crying. I don't know if it was good or not. She tells me that she also agrees that the time we spent together were the greatest of her life. We've been together for over a year and several months now. I just really want her back. She was everything I ever wished for in a girl. Furthermore, she wasn't just a girlfriend to me, she was one of the greatest friends I've ever had. I was able to talk about things with her that I couldn't even tell my mother or father. We shared similar hobbies and had a bunch of odd yet funny coincidences. I admit to me flaws, I get easily jealous when she talks to other people however, I've always tried to distract myself from it. Please, I want her back. Please, give me some advice.

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Respect her and give her, her space.


Start working on YOUR own problems... the jealousy. Is there a reason for it?


In order to see if she'll ever take you back, I suggest you work on these two things for now^


You're still young & have much to learn, yet. YOu'll probably go thru many relationships until it does work out, for the better.

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She says she wants to be friends with me. It's hard to just see her as friends... Is it possible to have her back..?


Respect her and give her, her space.


Start working on YOUR own problems... the jealousy. Is there a reason for it?


In order to see if she'll ever take you back, I suggest you work on these two things for now^


You're still young & have much to learn, yet. YOu'll probably go thru many relationships until it does work out, for the better.

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