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once, twice maybe even 3 times.....

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Proof of him following you is enough. No one has the right to stalk another. If he hits you next time, go see a doctor and get it documented.


If you can't tell your parents you'll have to stand up for yourself. If he hits you hit him back. Let him know there is no way you're going to let him abuse you and if he keeps it up you'll go to the police with all the bruises and evidences and file him for sexual assault.


He may be bigger than you right now, but he's still your age. I remember when I was 14 I had to run after people who were abusing me and threaten to kill them to make them back off... but I was also determined to kill them if they dont' back off. I'm not saying you should threaten to kill him... I think that's the last resort, but you need to make it clear that you won't let him abuse you.


See if any teachers in your school care about this case. I know a lot of times we can't trust teachers and they really don't care much about students, but there are still a rare few that do care. If no one cares, then go to your counselor, go to administration, then go to your principle... if that doesn't work, go to the next PTA meeting... make them care and protect you.


People may think he's a really nice guy, but they also think you're a really nice girl. It's a girl's words versus a guy's words. People are more likely to believe you. If they don't believe you, cry. Act, cry, whatever, just make sure they know you're hurt and you're afraid of your ex-boyfriend. That'll usually get them to start caring.

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well my friend hit him because he started threatening all of them. About 5 of us were walking down the road to go into town and i saw him and 2 other people. i tried to hise behind everyone but he saw me. he said why are you hidding from your feelins your being a complete messed up stupid b***h! my mate who is a big guy said back off and they started bad mouthing off each other and he just hit him and we walked off. In the past two days my "stalker" if you like to call it that hasnt really bothered me. He has sent a few texts and callled twice but he has kept away. i think he has learnt his lesson, but i dont know yet!

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Hey lost666,


Sorry for my delayed response!


I think you should still talk to someone more than your friends. It is a very good thing that they protected you.


I am glad to hear that at least until this monday he hasn't really bothered you. Still I think you shouldn't wait for a next time. He has already yelled at you and threatened your friends. What would have happened if you were alone? Do you really want to wait for a next time, when he has already tried to rape you and threatened you so many times? This guy is out of his mind, and is dangerous!


Really, there are people out there who can help you. You cannot make things worse by talking to someone, trust me. The people who can help you can at least make a record of this guy.


I felt like a fool once, when I filed a complaint at the police after being filmed naked in a private solarium cubicle. I was walking around and cooling down after the solarium was off, and I saw a metal pin with a digital mini cam on it, the lense right on me. I yelled and the thing went down and someone ran away. (the cubicles are two by two and separated by a wall that doesn't reach the ceiling).


Anyway at the solarium they gave me his name, and I went to the police. I don't want my naked body on a porn site. They took me very seriously, and of course this person denied. It was his word agains mine, but I had a case! He has a criminal record now, and if he ever does it again, he will be punished.


The goal of this illustration: if he does this to you, there's a chance he will do this to someone else. Looking for help is PRIMARILY something you should do for your own sake. But next to that: people who have legal power of some sort in your country knowing about this, will at least offer others and yourself some protection against one violent person more.


I hope this helps,



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Hey Lost666,

I think you should text this guy and ask if you and someone you both know can meet up and talk about things. I think you need to have the other person there so that they can protect you and if he only threatens you when you are alone then he wont then.

I think you should tell him that you want him to stop. But that you want to attain a friendship with him just not a relationship.

I don't know if my advice is helpful or not but I thought I should post my opinion.

Also maybe if you tell other friends where you are going and that you are meeting up with him they can call people if you are gone for a while. Maybe say you'd call them at a certain time or something.

Good luck with everything.


Nae xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I told my parents but he started coming around my house and threatening to kill someone. We rang up the police and he got taken away with a warning. Now he is trying to apologise to me and say its just that he likes me so much. He asked me if he can take me out somewhere to make up for it. Is that a good idea?

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thanks i worked that out for myself. He hasn't bothered me for a while now and its making me feel more happy and safe with my current bf! But every now and again i get the odd text call or word from him but ive learnt to just ignore him. Thank you sooooo much to everyone who has helped me your so amazing! take care ........xxx

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  • 2 months later...

Stay away from him - FAR away. He is physically abusive, and you aren't even a couple! Imagine what he would try to get away with if at some point, you went out with him, and he felt like he had a license to do that! (not that going out with him would actually give him a license to do that, but pieces of garbage who abuse women think that way).


You might want to consider getting a Personal Protection Order/Restraining Order, or the local equivalent, so that if he even comes around again, you can have him arrested right away, without him having to hit you first.

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