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I guess this can be for both sexes, although I don't think i know of a girl who likes big backsides?


Weve talked about boob size before but I don't think in the time I've been here that I've seen a thread regarding what people prefer when it comes to the backside.


I've always liked a bigger than average behind so a few of my friends mock me for it, but its worth the abuse


So what do u prefer? Small, medium or large?


I must be bored but I havent made a thread for agesssss.

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I like kind of smaller, but with some curves, more than flat, but smooth and curvy...? Best way to describe it is, if the girl is wearing jeans that fit pretty good, but not really loose, she doesnt have a bigger one, but you can tell there is one there. just my opinion.

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I want you to go and check out those links, then come back and tell us if you still like those smaller size 1 and 3 girls. If you still do then I'll put u on my therapy list and invite you to come down here to the Bahamas to see real women. Yep we have it all down here, i know 69 king will surly love my country as the women here sure can fill out a sweater and a pair of jeans. They look far better on a nice a** and we're not talking JLO bc she doesn't measure up to my Bahamian women, we're talking booty-licious!

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LMAO! Yeah guy ur outnumbered here. Now bc i got a notification that I was advertising I can't tell you more bout the fine women in my country so i'll check out my last post in this thread and look at those links. If you still like those skinny gals, pm me and I'll sign up for Loving Big Booty 101. My class starts at 2100 hours sharp every Friday. Don't be late lol


oh and make sure study ur women bc we'll have popl quize.


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hey im a size 1 or 3 depending and still have a pretty good butt. not big...but i like it. and definitely, i think a butt is very important for both males and females. just a nice bubble butt, firm and kind of sticking out. honestly though to me JLO is like the limit, its perfect, any bigger would look a little out there. thats just me. but definitely a nice bubble butt is a great asset. flat butts are the WORST, its a trueeee turn off, like a REALLY flat chest, it just makes you look unattractive.

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Actually no bc i'll say it again. You think JLO's but looks good you ain't see nothing yet. Go to the link down below and u'll see butts that will make u wish you had one like that. NOthing is sexier than thick legs with a nice butt to compliment it. And JLO's but only looks like that bc her waist is very tiny.


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Now be honest is JLO really the limit? Hell no! And don't take this wrong way but a size 1-3 cannot compare to these women when it comes to looking good in a swimsuit or a pair of jeans or anything for that matter.


Go vist these links huny and come to my class on friday.

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I know that my bf likes bigger ones.But not big big like JLO,but round and nice,you know what I mean? lol,more than the smaller ones.He loves my butt,I know that

And I love his butt too,its not big but you can see that he has a butt,not like other guys that you cant even notice if they have one or not,hehe.

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