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Just the beggining of the year i started to go to a private school(graduating in june). there i thought i would just be around girls but i ended up getting to know one of the greatest guys, no definetly the greatest, i have ever known.

so at the time i was dating a total buttface, we broke up and i wasn't expecting any of this but i started to fall for this other guy hard.

He is really religious and will be going on a mission sometime around march. He's really sweet and just makes me feel really comfortable. well it turns out he was going to move to salt lake, when i heard that i started to back off as much as i could because i didn't want to like him anymore then i already did when he left. it would hurt too much. it didn't go over very well at all. i got really depressed and missed being around him and talking with him. Well now i find out he's not moving anymore and i am so happy about it im about totally speechless.

I know i have liked him a lot for a long time now but i was away this weekend and thinking and im beggining to realize that i love him. it's freaking me out because i don't know what he would think of that. Help!~

love Qtpie87

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If you like him that much then there's no reason not to tell him. He probably likes you to. And even if he isn't interested in dating you, wouldn't you rather know for sure? You don't come accross people that can make you feel like that often so when you do I believe you should just take a chance and go for it.

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Hey there,


I agree with everyone else advice to you. I totally understand that you want to back off since he is moving to Salt Lake City. You don't want to set yourself up to be really hurt by this guy because you don't see any potential there. But just think this way!! Take it easy, if you feel like you are comfortable of telling how you feel then you should because you never know what will happen although it won't stop him from moving. But I think you would feel better. My philosophy is that don't ever go thorough life without any regrets. Go for it what is there to lose, if he turns you down. Well just think it this way that he is leaving soon and that you will forget about him with time. Take care yourself!!!!



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