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have you ever

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Have you ever had one of those days when some of the smallest things make you feel like crying. yes, i am a girl. no this is not some tkind of mood swing. some days i feel like im gonna burst open, and i break at the smallest things. im on anti-depresants but they are not helping with this. what do i do. peaz, i need some kind of help... even if it's just someone to talk to.

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Everyone looses it once in a while. Try to let the small things pass. There are some great books that I have read to help me out. Also having friends to fall back on is great! I'm here also if you want to talk, or are interested in one of those books....Good luck!

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I am a guy and sometimes I feel exactly the same...It seems as if you cannot handle the simplest thing because there is some deep issue that has not been properly addressed and it is getting in the way of your mental and emotional well being. My doctor has suggested anti-depressents for me, but I will not take them because I believe that you have to rely on yourself to help you out.

Its true we all have bad days but dont let it get you down, keep your head up, keep smiling and if you have a problem talk about it to a parent, friend, teacher or anyone who will listen, but dont keep it bottled up - it might explode at the wrong time and with undesireable results...


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