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Hey ppls. i need help. i wrote this poem & some of my friends thought i should inter it into some contest. i dont know. i guess im scared of being rejected... again... everytime i enter a piece of my writing into a competition i get told that it is too depressing. here it is.


Understanding that truth

is the only real lie

they embrace the silence,

the solitude,

that they can only find

inside of themselves.

they build soundproof barriers

to block the unearthly screams

emerging from the souls

of the lost and confused,

wandering in a daze

as they slowly devour


from the inside out.

restless zombies,

pacing through the unending

darkness, forever lost

in their own minds,

hanging on to a single belief,

The belief of salvation.


peaz help me... what 2 do what 2 do... Ambie

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Hey! well i wouldn't say i hate ur poem, but it could use some cheery words. don't get me wrong, i like it and all, but it makes me feel.....unwanted. think about what you want it to make someone feel, then write about what you know! trust me!


Forever yours,

~Tommy's girl~

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